Hi guys,
With not so much enthusiasm I want to share my experience in the mobile market. I’m developing applications since half a year now, I have about 5 apps published on Google Play, and a week ago I’ve published my first app on the App Store (Apple)
Now, before Apple comes to the scene, I was only developing for Android, and my numbers were extremely low, no more than 3usd a day, impossible to live with that, so my first thought was to change my ad provider, and here the story begins.
So far now, I’ve tested Inneractive, RevMob and Leadbolt, with the lastest two my income increased to 3usd a day occasionally, but there are days in which I make cents. After trying different combinations of ads and these providers, I thought that my stats sucks, and that I did not have enough impressions or installs, but all that changed after my first app was published by Apple, where with the same number of impressions (using iAds), I’ve made more in this first week than in 6 months with Android, I was very happy, but very confused at the same time, is it really like this? the android market doesn’t count at all?
I shared my experience with you, hoping that other can join me, and share their experiences too, maybe mine is wrong, something is wrong with my apps, or I just have bad luck, but in this confusing days for me I would really appreciate your thoughts and stories, this will not only help me now, but also to other developers who are just starting.
I want to thanks everybody in advance.
Have a great week!