api called all hide ads, either it is "banner" or "interstitial".


I am using adMob for an android application. First I used ad type “interstitial”, which shows “full screen size” ads. after some time I am hiding this ads and showing “gameplay” screen with “banner” ad.

Problem is that, some times I am using ads.hide() before getting response from ad-type “interstitial”, after that when I called for banner ad. It is showing “interstitial” ad-type as well as banner ads in gameplay screen. I don’t want “interstitial” ads in gameplay. what to do??

Interstital ads can take time to load.  There is a listener function that gets called once the ad loads.  You probably should not hide the ad until that listener function fires…


It means,In my case, I can not hide Interstitial ads in “gameplay”.!!

Well you probably shouldn’t be putting interstitials in game play.  They are best for when you can let it take the full screen and let the user decided when to move on.  The idea of these ads is that they interrupt the flow of things which is why they get a higher rate.


In the native adMob SDK we can invoke interstitial.isReady() and display intersitials immediately when we want, without few seconds delay which is in the current Corona adMob implementation.

Interstital ads can take time to load.  There is a listener function that gets called once the ad loads.  You probably should not hide the ad until that listener function fires…


It means,In my case, I can not hide Interstitial ads in “gameplay”.!!

Well you probably shouldn’t be putting interstitials in game play.  They are best for when you can let it take the full screen and let the user decided when to move on.  The idea of these ads is that they interrupt the flow of things which is why they get a higher rate.


In the native adMob SDK we can invoke interstitial.isReady() and display intersitials immediately when we want, without few seconds delay which is in the current Corona adMob implementation.

I place a interstitial ad sometimes in the gameOver screen.

I showa text in the middle of the screen while loading: “loading ad, please wait” and I hide all buttons and disable also the hardback button, to the player can not leave the scene and the ad shows up any time later when its ready.

This works in most cases good and fast. But if the connection is very slow this takes very long and sometimes no ad shows at all.

This “interstitial.isReady()” that info09 mentioned would be very great, especially if I could load the ad before it shows…

The other thing that would help me, is a check of the internet speed. (Not just IF there is a connection but also the speed of this conection)

So I could eventually not show an ad at all.

Any ideas for this?

Cheers, Felix

I place a interstitial ad sometimes in the gameOver screen.

I showa text in the middle of the screen while loading: “loading ad, please wait” and I hide all buttons and disable also the hardback button, to the player can not leave the scene and the ad shows up any time later when its ready.

This works in most cases good and fast. But if the connection is very slow this takes very long and sometimes no ad shows at all.

This “interstitial.isReady()” that info09 mentioned would be very great, especially if I could load the ad before it shows…

The other thing that would help me, is a check of the internet speed. (Not just IF there is a connection but also the speed of this conection)

So I could eventually not show an ad at all.

Any ideas for this?

Cheers, Felix