syntax for adMob

The docs only show how to init.

How to show the ad ?, take a look at the main.lua file inside the admob folder that comes with Plugin Samples. It shows you how.

And it looks like this: adType, { x=adX, y=adY } )


Hey,, I just noticed that Corona opened up the Plugin beta to everyone.  So you probably don’t need to sign up.  Just down load the sample from here:

Woops, but then, the link to the sample returns 404 not found.  I’ll submit a comment on the page to flag Corona, and hopefully, they’ll fix it soon.


Hi Naomi,

thank you for trying to help.

What are the params for adType ?

Where can I find that folder with samples ???, search for Sample Code under the link:

We’re supposed to obtain sample code by clicking on “here” where it says:  You can access sample code here.

Anyway, the adType appears to be either “banner” or “interstitial”.


Thnx Naomi.

A bit unprofessional from Corona to start a beta testing without some crucial information’s in the docs.

Anyway, the AdMob ads work without any problems.

Seems they behave same as iAds, in landscape they are 480×32 and you can’t change it to 320x50, right ?

Yeah, I agree.  Rather unfortunate oversight on Corona’s part, especially after announcing the open beta – but then, I’m sure they are dealing with bazillions of moving parts, all of which require detailed attention, and sometimes things like this can happen (and I’m sure they wish it never does.)

About the banner size, I don’t use banner ads, so I haven’t really looked into it.


AdMob interstitial are available only on tablets ?

As far as I know, on iOS device, yes.  On Android devices, I’m not entirely sure.



All the info is there:

ads.init() -> ->

ads.hide() ->

Types of ads for adMob, right there: “banner” and “interstitial” (only for iPad)

Best regards!


How do I show the banner at the bottom of the screen?

Is the height of the banner fixed such that I can just take display.contentHeight - adHeight?

Falcon: I was just doing display.contentHeight - 30 (since when I put 25 it didn’t work as I thought)… however when I simulate an iPad I get problems with the ad placement

Seems like I can just use display.contentHeight for the y placement without the need to make any adjustment., take a look at the main.lua file inside the admob folder that comes with Plugin Samples. It shows you how.

And it looks like this: adType, { x=adX, y=adY } )


Hey,, I just noticed that Corona opened up the Plugin beta to everyone.  So you probably don’t need to sign up.  Just down load the sample from here:

Woops, but then, the link to the sample returns 404 not found.  I’ll submit a comment on the page to flag Corona, and hopefully, they’ll fix it soon.


Hi Naomi,

thank you for trying to help.

What are the params for adType ?

Where can I find that folder with samples ???, search for Sample Code under the link:

We’re supposed to obtain sample code by clicking on “here” where it says:  You can access sample code here.

Anyway, the adType appears to be either “banner” or “interstitial”.


Thnx Naomi.

A bit unprofessional from Corona to start a beta testing without some crucial information’s in the docs.

Anyway, the AdMob ads work without any problems.

Seems they behave same as iAds, in landscape they are 480×32 and you can’t change it to 320x50, right ?