Advertising ID demanded by Google

Hi, folks.

I had some issues with admob, so the only Corona ads plugin I can use in my app is Inneractive. Google says the plugin is against their new policies. How can I deal with it?

Most people have been able to rebuild and get rid of the warning in the console.

What AdMob issues are you having?

Rebuild? In the post I visited before posting this one, I saw they used a previous version of Corona to which I have no access to download.

The issue with Admob is about the Admob account; nothing about Corona plugin.

As far as I know if you build with 2393 or later, you shouldn’t have this issue.

Can you confirm all your build information (version, operating system, etc.), post your build.settings, etc.



Oh! I didn’t see there’s a new build to download. Sorry for the inconvenience, Rob. Thanks for you attention.

The alert is being shown again, Rob…

Google may be flagging fall positives.  We haven’t touched any of that and as long as your using AdMob V2, you should be good.


I don’t use AdMob v2 on the game that has the flag. So may this be the issue here? If yes, will I have to remove Inneractive plugin from the game?

What version of Corona SDK did you build this app with?   In 2393, the current public build, Inneractive is most certainly a plugin, so if you’re not including it, then we are not including it. 


I built with 2393. Inneractive plugin is called inside my build.settings. So?

Oh you are using Inneractive them?  Let me ask engineering to see when they last updated their plugin.


Yes. I’m using Inneractive.


Most people have been able to rebuild and get rid of the warning in the console.

What AdMob issues are you having?

Rebuild? In the post I visited before posting this one, I saw they used a previous version of Corona to which I have no access to download.

The issue with Admob is about the Admob account; nothing about Corona plugin.

As far as I know if you build with 2393 or later, you shouldn’t have this issue.

Can you confirm all your build information (version, operating system, etc.), post your build.settings, etc.



Oh! I didn’t see there’s a new build to download. Sorry for the inconvenience, Rob. Thanks for you attention.

The alert is being shown again, Rob…

Google may be flagging fall positives.  We haven’t touched any of that and as long as your using AdMob V2, you should be good.


I don’t use AdMob v2 on the game that has the flag. So may this be the issue here? If yes, will I have to remove Inneractive plugin from the game?