Yeah, if the file is over 20MB, AT&T won’t allow it to be downloaded over their 3G network. You can still download it directly to the device over wi-fi. This is how most people download games to their iPod Touches anyway, since they don’t have 3G capabilities. The same goes for most iPad users too.
But it is definitely something to consider. The instant impulse buys. The ability to download your app at a party or restaurant, etc…
I was very conscious of that limit when making my games.
My latest game came in at 19.4MB. I didn’t want to needlessly create obstacles for purchases, especially after working on the game for months and not knowing whether it would sell or not.
But now people’s main problem with the game is that it is too short!
If you have good marketing, or a known IP, you can easily overcome the download limit. MYST was 700MB for example, and did just fine.
Also, the 20MB limit applies to the zipped size. So you might make it under afterall. [import]uid: 8444 topic_id: 3450 reply_id: 10353[/import]