Air Dodge, a challenging game for iOS and Android

Hello everybody, first of all I would like to introduce myself, my name is Ulysse, and I’m a French student.

A few days ago, I released my third game available for iOS and Android, it’s called “Air Dodge” and it would be greatly appreciated if you downloaded it and wrote a review.

Air Dodge is a game about avoiding obstacles coming towards you, in a retro, punchy atmosphere. There are 3 types of “special” obstacles every 1000 points, which are harder and harder as your score rises. Try them all !


Also, if you have any suggestion, don’t hesitate, even if it’s a bit rude, because I need to take any improvement opportunity.


Thanks you, and have a nice day (sorry for my poor english :P)  ! 


I posted my story on another topic, just right here :

Just wrote a story about myself, it’s also available on my website -check this thread to see it -

Just wrote a story about myself, it’s also available on my website -check this thread to see it -