Amazon Ads Plugin Launched!

That sounds great.

I am not really in need for iOS, neither for most part of Android. Really only the amazon devices, esp kindle, those i really can’t monetize right now, and even if it is a small market, it’s annoying to miss on it.
Thanks for the quick reply!

We don’t seem to be getting much of a response from deleurapps about the plugin. Are you still active deleurapps?  

As I mentioned in a previous post, there is an update the the AmazonAds API which would be useful to have in the plugin. Also, the plugin seems to be missing what I would consider a fairly critical function in an ad plugin, which is some kind of “hasAdAvailable” call. At the moment I have to call blindly, and wait for a response. I would much rather know that an ad is available, that way if it is not I can switch to one of my other providers.


I guess he’s busy with school. If I recall correctly the guy is 16 (17?) years old and Deleurapps is a father/son endeavor where the father is the designer and the son is the developer.

Unfortunately he tends to be unresponsive for long periods of time. That’s why I decided to develop my own AmazonAds plugin.

@ingemar (or anyone with amazon ads experience)

Can you give us an idea of average ecpm for amazon banner ads and interstitial ads? I’m curious to see if they pay more than google ads.

Hey guys,

As I’ve said before, I can still sell the Amazon Ads plugin to any Enterprise user, but not to other tiers. Developing plugins for other tiers would require Corona Team’s cooperation, which Gremlin Interactive had but I don’t. Due to that fact I cannot update anything that Gremlin sold. I am still trying to get in touch with Corona to create a new store, but until then I can only sell plugins to Enterprise users. If you are interested, please refer to this page:

Apps published on the Amazon App Store have an average eCPM of $6.76 as of today. The fill rate is quite low at 30%.

You can use Amazon Ads on Google Play and the Apple App Store, but don’t use it on any of the other stores. 

One thing to note is Amazon have had a promotional period for new apps published with their SDK where they guarantee $5 eCPM (August-October). If this has affected my eCPM I don’t know. We’ll see in a few months if the eCPM stays stable.

I bought the Amazon ad plugin to Gremling before.

I have this plugins in some apps.

Do I have to take out the plugin of the apps?

Can I use the Amazon ads plugins for new apps with android?

how long can use the plugin?