I’m having problems trying to get the products information with Amazon IAP v2 plugin. After calling store.loadProducts() the productsList is always empty.
This is what I do:
local listOfProducts = {com.companyname.product1, com.companyname.product2, com.companyname.product3} store.loadProducts(listOfProducts, onLoadProducts) function onLoadProducts(event) print("[Catalog] -- EventName", event.name) print("[Catalog] -- isError", event.isError) print("[Catalog] -- errorType", event.errorType) print("[Catalog] -- Products", #event.products, event.products) print("[Catalog] -- invalidProducts", #event.invalidProducts, event.invalidProducts) end
And this is what it prints on the console:
[Catalog] -- EventName productList [Catalog] -- isError false [Catalog] -- errorType nil [Catalog] -- Products 0 table: 0x640cd410 [Catalog] -- invalidProducts 0 table: 0x66a862e0
The product ids are valid. I have double checked them (and triple checked). And I can make purchases without any problem using the same product ids. I also have tried to write a wrong product id. Then the invalidProducts table is populated by this wrong product id. Any clue of what’s happening?
May it be a bug or I’m missing something. Than you!!!
Pau Ors