I have been working on migrating may Amazon IAP v1 to Amazon IAP v2. In this process, I’ve encountered a few questions. Could you please clarify my understanding of the transaction states for new Amazon IAP v2?
1. It appears as though transaction states in Amazon IAP v1 included only : “purchased”, “failed”, “restored” and “revoked”. Correct?
2. Now for Amazon IAP v2, it has been explicitly stated that the “restored” transaction state is no longer used. But I haven’t seen any mention of the “revoked” state. Was that removed as well?
3. So now, are the only states available for Amazon IAP v2 “purchased”, “failed” and “cancelled”? If I understand correctly, in Amazon IAP v1, the “cancelled” state was not used. (“Transaction objects in the callback listener will never be of the state “cancelled”. Instead, .state will equal “failed” if the user canceled the transaction.”)
4. If these assumptions are correct, this would mean that when migrating from Amazon IAP v1 to v2, one should not just handle the removal of the “restored” state. But should also handle the removal of the “revoked” state and the addition of the “cancelled” state. Correct?
5. Additionally, assuming the “revoked” state is no longer used in Amazon IAP v2. Does this mean that no store (iOS, Google Play, Amazon, or otherwise) API uses the “revoked” state any longer?
6. It would be useful if there were some type of easy go-to resource that has a matrix of all the available transaction states for each of the stores. The current documentation is quite confusing because it requires searching through multiple store API’s (iOS v. Google v. Amazon) as well as multiple versions for an individual store (Amazon v1 v. Amazon v2). It’s difficult to know and understand which transaction states exist or not.
Thank you!