Amazon supported device is zero

Hi Guys,

I am trying to publish a new version in the amazon app store.
when i upload the APK the resulting supported device is showing zero across all platforms ( kindles, and non amazon devices )

im using solar2d build 2024.3706


Do we know what is the minimum solar2d build that supports amazon app store ?


did you click on the editing for “View supported devices” in case of ?

Have a good day.

Hi Yvan,

Thank you for your reply.
my supported device is showing zero, and there is no option to select devices, since they
are greyed out.


Have you tried uploading the .aab file?

@bgmadclown, i have not.
but i googled if there are similar issues by other users.
and one of the resolution, is to delete the previous apk, and upload the new one.

my resolution was instead of deleting the current apk, i replaced it. and it seemed to work.

the reason of updating the app, is for chartboost, i got rejected in chartboost due to the apk being old.

i am still looking to find a resolution on how to put ads in my app in the amazon appstore.
i am able to do so in google play, but in amazon i havent found success yet.

i tried appodeal,vungle, both works great in test mode, it shows ads in my local build, but production there is not ads showing.

Regarding updating apps in the Amazon Appstore- it is super annoying. The big area for uploading a new .apk is not what you want to use (as you discovered). Replacing the old .apk is the way to go. I’ve probably done over 100 app updates on Amazon, and I still make that mistake now and then.

Regarding advertising on Amazon: Chartboost and ApplovinMAX are the two best solutions I’ve found. The problem is that there is just less advertising stock available for the Amazon Appstore, so “low fill” is a problem, especially if you are located outside the US. I have a waterfall tries MAX first and then Chartboost if MAX doesn’t have an ad available, and I manage to get good coverage that way.

Also, with MAX, you can include Vungle, HyprMX and Fyber which all support Amazon, which increases your chance of having ads to serve.