Andorid Build Issue

Hi, When i am trying to build my project with enterprise version this is happening :

Varuns-iMac:android varun$ ./ $ANDROID_H

CORONA_PATH: …/…/…/…/…/…/Applications/CoronaEnterprise



USAGE: android_sdk_path

USAGE: android_sdk_path corona_enterprise_path

\tandroid_sdk_path: Path to the root Android SDK directory.

\tcorona_enterprise_path: Path to the CoronaEnterprise directory.


I dont know what is happening. this is happening since last 2 days before that it was working perfectly fine. Can anyone guide me how to sort out this issue?


  • Thanks


If you export your Android SDK path in your bash_profile you can avoid passing it as an argument to

This has the added benefit of an easier and shorter terminal command to boot

If you export your Android SDK path in your bash_profile you can avoid passing it as an argument to

This has the added benefit of an easier and shorter terminal command to boot