Android 10 soft navigation key problem

Has anyone else had issues with Android 10 soft key navigation?

It seems that on Android 10 the tab bar I place at the bottom of the screen using display.contentHeight - display.screenOriginY is now over the top of the system navigation buttons. Pressing the navigation bar now generates system navigation making the app unusable…

How can I fix this other than hiding the system soft keys?



Indeed I had a user complaint about buttons on the bottom of the screen not working. It was on Android 10 on a Pixel 3 Google phone, which is not so common. Couldn’t figure out why or reproduce it in my devices, but I imagined it was something with the navigation buttons

yes this was Pixel 2, Android version 10. The soft keys overlay the tab bar at the bottom and get events first…

Makes sense.
I forgot to mention but she said the problem started only after my first 64 bit update.
Any comments from the Corona team?

This is the first we’ve heard of this. Please create a simple sample app that demonstrates the issue. It should be a complete project (main.lua, config.lua, build.settings, any assets needed to build, install and run) and put it in a .zip file and use the Report A Bug link at the top of the page and submit a bug report.


Hi. The .zip file is just a screenshot (which you can post directly here). It’s not a demo project that can download, build and run on a device. 


Any update on this? Same thing in my app with users running Android 10. Can’t tap the bottom part of the screen because that’s where the soft buttons would usually be (even though I have them hidden).

I’m still waiting on a demo project that shows the issues.


@naveenpcs what device did you experience the issue?

In my case I there’s no point on a demo project since I couldn’t replicate the bug, but I can share my build.settings

Have you tried describing your working area of display using the following.

local safeArea = display.newRect(





Yes, I already use the safe areas since iPhone X was released

Anybody still having this issue?

I didn’t update my main game yet, which has literally 100x more downloads from the one that’s giving the reports.

I can make a sample, but I just need someone with the devices to collaborate, as this is clearly happening in just specific Android 10 phones. At least Pixel Google phones.
@naveen_pcs, @ansteysimon ?

I’m getting more and more reports on this issue as well. Seems to happen mostly on Google Pixel phones. Anyone find a fix yet?

I have been experiencing a very similar problem with two Samsung devices using Android 9.

After writing an app to get more information I found that the problem is most likely related to use of the StatusBar modes “LightTransparentStatusBar” and “DarkTransparentStatusBar” (see display.setStatusBar) as can be seen in the attached screen dump. 

Does that mean display.HiddenStatusBar is not working or ignoring these settings?

The answer to your question is a definitive “maybe”,

display.HiddenStatusBar is working as can be seen in the first (left most) screenshot but is does not hide the navigation bar.

The difference between the status bar settings can be noticed in “display.safeActualContentHeight”, the transparent options show a larger content height.

I hope someone from Corona can shed some light on this.


After upgrading my samsung to Android 10, I notice this with the navigation bar too. It is now translucent and there is no way to make it default (solid white, similar to other apps like gmail, gmaps). Here is a sample :

I also tested how the setStatusBar will affect it, but it does not affect it (see attached image).

Snippet of code :

local currentStatusBarIndex = 1 local statusBarOptions = { { display.HiddenStatusBar, 'display.HiddenStatusBar' }, { display.DefaultStatusBar, 'display.DefaultStatusBar' }, { display.TranslucentStatusBar, 'display.TranslucentStatusBar' }, { display.DarkStatusBar, 'display.DarkStatusBar' }, { display.LightTransparentStatusBar, 'display.LightTransparentStatusBar' }, { display.DarkTransparentStatusBar, 'display.DarkTransparentStatusBar' }, } local myText = display.newText( 'setStatusBar', display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY, native.systemFont, 26 ) myText:setFillColor( 1, 1, 1 ) local function updateBar1() if system.getInfo( "platformName" ) == "Android" then display.setStatusBar( statusBarOptions[currentStatusBarIndex][1] ) currentStatusBarIndex = currentStatusBarIndex + 1 if currentStatusBarIndex \> #statusBarOptions then currentStatusBarIndex = 1 end myText.text = statusBarOptions[currentStatusBarIndex][2] end native.setProperty( "androidSystemUiVisibility", "default" ) end local barTimer = timer.performWithDelay( 3000, updateBar1, 0 ) native.setProperty( "androidSystemUiVisibility", "default" ) 


Is there a way to make the android bottom navigation bar solid-white?


Unfortunately, after upgrading my Galaxu S9 to Android 10 I also get this problem with my app!

C’mon Corona guys!