So, it appears if you want to post on a users wall, you need to do two separate authorizations.
My setup:
Facebook settings, keys, etc. are all setup correctly.
Facebook app is installed on device.
What I am seeing:
Upon first login attempt, if I do what the instructions say (ie: use “publish_stream” or “publish_actions” permissions), Facebook complains that the “user_info” permission hasn’t been requested first.
So, I redo my workflow and add in the “user_info” permissions along with “publish_actions”. Facebook then complains that “publish_actions” cannot be requested before requesting “user_info”.
So, I redo my workflow again and just do a first login with “user_info” as the only permission. Success! Now, later in the same session I try to do a post and use the “publish_actions” permission (facebook.login() was used for this and the post done in the listener). Facebook complains that “publish_actions” hasn’t been authorized by the user. Exiting the app and going back in I use facebook.login with the “publish_actions” permission and it successfully goes through the authorization process and posts for me.
So, I redo my workflow yet again doing a logout after the “user_info” authorization has completed. I then do the login with “publish_actions” when I am posting and things seem to work out.
I would recommend modifying the tutorial to better reflect how Facebook is presently acting, especially around the order of permissions requests.