My game build with corona2SDK crashes time after time on my mobile phone without any messages. App just closes with no notification.
How can I debug this issue ?
My game build with corona2SDK crashes time after time on my mobile phone without any messages. App just closes with no notification.
How can I debug this issue ?
Attach your phone to the laptop and look at the monitor or adb console.
When you say “monitor”, are you talking about some kind of software with such name? Which one?
Do you want to say that adb logcat will let me reveal my issue with coronalabs engine?
When I say monitor, it is an application inside of the Android SDK and yes it will spit out errors and a bunch of other things. On my machine it is located at: android-sdk-macosx/tools/lib/monitor-x86_64/monitor. Just filter your app creating a new filter.
Yes, you can also get the same output from adb by typing in this command. I use “adb logcat *:S Corona corona”.
I was using Corona copy to device and Corona Simulator Console for debug. Had to use Samsung Dex to be able to connect though.
Use this document @
adb logcat Corona:v *:s
If it doesn’t give you any error, try logging it without filters to see all warnings.
adb logcat *:W