Android in-app purchase is delivering no feedback to app!


i tested my last apps in-app purchase on android and with

        “android.test.purchased”,        – Marketplace will always successfully purchase this product ID.
        “android.test.canceled”,        – Marketplace will always cancel a purchase of this product ID.
        “android.test.item_unavailable”,    – Marketplace will always indicate this product ID as unavailable.

everything works in the test. The app can be purchased and a feedback is recieved from Google, so I can save the information of a successfull bought game.

Now I started using my own product ID for my in-app product I created in the developer console.

Everything works like planned, until I buy the game. I can buy it, and everything looks fine… but I never get any response from Google for the purchase, so my app doesn’t know if the purchase was successfull and I can NOT save the information. So the app was bought, but the full version still is locked!

Can anyone please help me with this and explain what happens here?

Thank you for all your help and feedback!!!


Is it possible the callback isn’t working a few minutes after the product was set to “active” in Google Developer Console… but it IS working some hours after it was set to “active”???

It takes a few hours for any changes in Google to propagate through their servers.

Is it possible the callback isn’t working a few minutes after the product was set to “active” in Google Developer Console… but it IS working some hours after it was set to “active”???

I appear to be having this same issue.  I am using the transaction listener code provided on the Corona documentation for IAP.  On IOS, I get responses just fine.  On Android, it does see my IAP ID, it all pulls up as it should, but after I cancel or actual purchase the IAP, no response is heard from the transaction listener, so it sits there in limbo with nothing happening…

Do you have all the right permissions in your build.settings?  Is your Google Play store setup correctly?

from other thread: “No errors are shown in the console log.  I just tested it using the “android.test.purchased”, and I get no responses if I try canceling it by using the hardware back button, and no response if I successfully purchase.”

Yes build settings are correct.  I am working on an update to an app that has existing IAP items that do work, so not much has changed in the store stuff.  

I would think if it was issues with store setup, that the initial call to purchase wouldn’t even work, it is full showing the product and price, just not getting any response to the listener.

It takes a few hours for any changes in Google to propagate through their servers.

I appear to be having this same issue.  I am using the transaction listener code provided on the Corona documentation for IAP.  On IOS, I get responses just fine.  On Android, it does see my IAP ID, it all pulls up as it should, but after I cancel or actual purchase the IAP, no response is heard from the transaction listener, so it sits there in limbo with nothing happening…

Do you have all the right permissions in your build.settings?  Is your Google Play store setup correctly?

from other thread: “No errors are shown in the console log.  I just tested it using the “android.test.purchased”, and I get no responses if I try canceling it by using the hardware back button, and no response if I successfully purchase.”

Yes build settings are correct.  I am working on an update to an app that has existing IAP items that do work, so not much has changed in the store stuff.  

I would think if it was issues with store setup, that the initial call to purchase wouldn’t even work, it is full showing the product and price, just not getting any response to the listener.