I want to develop an Android plugin. To start with “native builds” which I have not done before, I am following these instructions: https://docs.coronalabs.com/native/android/index.html
It complained about the gradle version, so I updated to 3.0.0 in the main project build.gradle file:
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.0'
Then it complained about the tools, it wanted to upgrade to 26.0.0, which I allowed it to do, and changed all build.gradle files to buildToolsVersion ‘26.0.2’
Then it is complaining about something else:
Error:(36, 0) Cannot set the value of read-only property 'outputFile' for ApkVariantOutputImpl\_Decorated{apkData=Main{type=MAIN, fullName=debug, filters=[]}} of type com.android.build.gradle.internal.api.ApkVariantOutputImpl.
In the build.gradle I changed:
output.outputFile = file(output.outputFile.getPath().replace('/app-', "/${apkName}-"))
output.outputFileName = file( output.outputFile.getPath().replace('/app-', "/${apkName}-") )
But now it has other errors - including errors about iphoneos (this is Android??)
Error:error: SDK "iphoneos" cannot be located Error:error: unable to find utility "copypng", not a developer tool or in PATH Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileLua'.\> Process 'command '/Users/TestUser/Library/Application Support/Corona/Native/Corona/mac/bin/lua'' finished with non-zero exit value 255
Have I lost my way? Does anyone have a working project?