Android push notifications custom icon.

Hi, im using pushwoosh for push notifications on android. The only problem is that i can’t use my custom icon, I only get the triangle with exclamation mark. Ive added the list of resources that says in the docs, but no difference.

IconNotificationDefault-ldpi.png IconNotificationDefault-ldpi-v9.png IconNotificationDefault-ldpi-v11.png IconNotificationDefault-mdpi.png IconNotificationDefault-mdpi-v9.png IconNotificationDefault-mdpi-v11.png IconNotificationDefault-hdpi.png IconNotificationDefault-hdpi-v9.png IconNotificationDefault-hdpi-v11.png IconNotificationDefault-xhdpi.png IconNotificationDefault-xhdpi-v9.png IconNotificationDefault-xhdpi-v11.png

I dont know if there is something wrong with my files or is there something else i have to do?
