I am trying to install the ExtendingUI apk created by the build scripts
but the application stops right away with the following errors:
Two Facebook related errors:
E/dalvikvm(596): Could not find class 'com.facebook.android.Facebook', referenced from method com.ansca.corona.Controller.facebookLogin E/dalvikvm(596): Could not find class 'com.ansca.corona.Controller$15', referenced from method com.ansca.corona.Controller.facebookRequest
One Open GL related error:
E/AndroidRuntime(596): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 72 E/AndroidRuntime(596): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No configs match configSpec E/AndroidRuntime(596): at com.ansca.corona.opengl.GLSurfaceView$BaseConfigChooser.chooseConfig(GLSurfaceView.java:877) E/AndroidRuntime(596): at com.ansca.corona.opengl.GLSurfaceView$EglHelper.start(GLSurfaceView.java:1069) E/AndroidRuntime(596): at com.ansca.corona.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(GLSurfaceView.java:1507) E/AndroidRuntime(596): at com.ansca.corona.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:1377)
Here is my setup:
Mountain Lion (Japanese)
Android SDK Tools 21,
Platform-tools 16
Emulator tried:
Android 4.2,4.1.2,2.3(All of them gave me this error)
Has anybody met the same error?
Is there a specific setup required for the emulator to make it work?
(It does seem to come from the Corona framework side though…)
How one can fix it?
Thank you in advance!