Android > Share Image with native.ShowPopup to multible WhatsApp user


I want to share an image using the native.showPopup dialog

with multible users on WhatsApp.

For a single user, everything is working fine, but when I select more than one user (recipient)
in whatsApp the share failed.

I can see that whatsapp grabs the image correctly, but for any reason it just says “sharing not possible, please retry later”

Anyone who got the same experience?

btw…shareing to multiple email recipients worrecipientking fine



Found the problem…it was my code :wink:

in the listener of the native.showPopup I cleared the file to keep the temp dir clean so the imagefile does not exist any more.

Seems that was a little bit to early for whatsapp when sharing to muliple recipients.

Found the problem…it was my code :wink:

in the listener of the native.showPopup I cleared the file to keep the temp dir clean so the imagefile does not exist any more.

Seems that was a little bit to early for whatsapp when sharing to muliple recipients.