Android Social plugin (beta) question, unable to find application?

I saw the recent Corona article about supporting Android social plugin,

It’s  a great news and I tried it on my Android device, however I get this popup

“Unable to find application to perform this action”

I think I at least have gmail configured, and I should also see some common sharing method, like Bluetooth, SendTo, etc?

Any thoughts?


Anyone tested it on Android device?

no one has this problem?

I am having this in my Galaxy Tab 3.

Anything missing in my code below?

local options = { message = "This is a test", } native.showPopup( "social", options)

Hi Joe. Could you post up a screenshot of the popup that shows up?

Also what version of Corona are you using ?

I’ve run into the same issue.

For some reason you need to include an image attachment for it to work. If you modify joe528’s code example to this…

local options = { message = "This is a test", image = { { filename = "image.jpg", baseDir = system.ResourceDirectory }, }, } native.showPopup( "social", options)  

… it will work as expected.

I’ve attached images of what happens with / without the image attachment.

I’m using the latest daily build.

Thanks for the explanation. I will look into this and get back to you as soon as possible.


Just an update. I have fixed the issue where not including an image would make the Share dialog say that no apps were found to complete the action.

I will notify you all when the fix is live.

Thanks again for the great explanation which made this a lot quicker to fix!

Thanks Danny!

A question for you: will it ever be possible to call Twitter directly, rather than having to go through the Share dialog? I’m slightly concerned that when we prompt the player to share via Twitter, and they have to wade through all of their apps in the Share dialog, that they might not do it.

Anyone tested it on Android device?

Hi~ Danny!

I use to save the image. the image transfes to sharing social network.

local options = {
message = “This is a test”,
image = {
{ filename = “image.jpg”, baseDir = system**.TemporaryDirectory**},

native.showPopup( “social”, options)

 Social function does not run  on baseDir (system.TemporaryDirectory or system.DocumentsDirectory)

 ‘image could not be loaded’ on android 

Help me~

and we can attach the image to an email and facebook popup, but the twitter popup not work… what’s reason might be?


no one has this problem?

I am having this in my Galaxy Tab 3.

Anything missing in my code below?

local options = { message = "This is a test", } native.showPopup( "social", options)

Hi Joe. Could you post up a screenshot of the popup that shows up?

Also what version of Corona are you using ?

I’ve run into the same issue.

For some reason you need to include an image attachment for it to work. If you modify joe528’s code example to this…

local options = { message = "This is a test", image = { { filename = "image.jpg", baseDir = system.ResourceDirectory }, }, } native.showPopup( "social", options)  

… it will work as expected.

I’ve attached images of what happens with / without the image attachment.

I’m using the latest daily build.

Thanks for the explanation. I will look into this and get back to you as soon as possible.


Just an update. I have fixed the issue where not including an image would make the Share dialog say that no apps were found to complete the action.

I will notify you all when the fix is live.

Thanks again for the great explanation which made this a lot quicker to fix!

Thanks Danny!

A question for you: will it ever be possible to call Twitter directly, rather than having to go through the Share dialog? I’m slightly concerned that when we prompt the player to share via Twitter, and they have to wade through all of their apps in the Share dialog, that they might not do it.


It looks like it’s working now. You must have checked in the fix?

Yes sorry. I lost track of this thread. The fix is live.

As for the other issue reported regarding using images saved into directories not working… I’m working on it.


This bug has been fixed. Just rebuild your project and it should work as expected.


Hi~ Danny!

I use to save the image. the image transfes to sharing social network.

local options = {
message = “This is a test”,
image = {
{ filename = “image.jpg”, baseDir = system**.TemporaryDirectory**},

native.showPopup( “social”, options)

 Social function does not run  on baseDir (system.TemporaryDirectory or system.DocumentsDirectory)

 ‘image could not be loaded’ on android 

Help me~

and we can attach the image to an email and facebook popup, but the twitter popup not work… what’s reason might be?