Many people on the forum have asked how they might create a menu system like that seen in Angry Birds, or how they would open levels as the user progresses through the game and store the scores etc in a database.
This ‘Dogs vs Owls’ template is a replica of the Angry Birds menu system and database, featuring an episodes menu with scores, stars, feathers etc, levels menus with locked levels and a demonstration on how to update the database with the user’s progress. The menus are created dynamically so you can set up as many or as few episodes and levels as you want, and edit the number of rows/columns etc.
The code is fully commented throughout, and the package also includes a 13-page PDF document to explain how the code is structured and what each step does. Also includes UI graphics which you are welcome to use in your apps, see read me file for details.
The cost is $9.99 and is available to buy here:
Gumroad for credit/debit card payments:
Sellfy for payment via paypal:
Features include:
Start screen
Episodes menu screen
Level menu screen
Simulated ‘gameplay’ screen
The template covers the following tasks:
Create a scrollView widget with bitmap masks
Dynamically place objects accordingly to screen size
Use storyboard to move between scenes
Use storyboard createScene function to draw your scene
Use storyboard enterScene function to set up the scene after drawing
Use storyboard exitScene function to clean up the scene when exiting
Use global variables to track certain key game information
Display a level select screen, with a level unlocking system
Use global functions to perform certain tasks from within any module
Save and load lua tables to JSON using the GGData library by Glitch Games
Import data from another lua module
Group common objects into display groups
Use multi-dimensional arrays
Display grids of images dynamically
Detect and handle ‘swipe’ events
Handle touch events on multiple buttons in one function
Load sounds into a lua table and play on demand
Load and use custom fonts
Basic scrolling background
[import]uid: 93133 topic_id: 35387 reply_id: 335387[/import]