Just excited to let you know that redbytes software based in India are about to release a comprehensive math app for pre-schoolers called Panda Math.
The app would be available around April 5 2013 (subject to apple approval) and around the same time on Android.
The Android version would be free for the first week or so. So request everyone to download it and give us a fair rating.
Additionally we have the following offer for anyone who downloads the app from the iOS Appstore:
- Download the free Panda math app from Appstore
- Like TinyTapps and PandaMath Facebook page
- Post or Tweet about the Panda Math download to their friends
if you send a email proof with all the above we could offer a promo code of any tinytapps premium apps to the first 50 emails so they can download the app for free. Our apps are available on all major appstores.
Here is a sneak preview of our Panda math App
Please let me know what you think and reach out to me at altafr@redbytes.in.