Anomaly in fade effect using letterbox

I’m creating a game for both iPhone and iPad, and when I use the letterbox mode for the iPad, I notice a small graphic glitch during the fade, seeing the next image flash on the right side of the screen.

I determined that the next image is position immediately to the right, causing the issue, and that if I shifted it away enough, I wouldn’t see the glitch.

Look for the – EFFECT: Fade section in director.lua.

I changed the line: nextView.x = display.contentWidth
to look like this: nextView.x = display.contentWidth*1.5
…and the fade is smooth now. [import]uid: 6084 topic_id: 6169 reply_id: 306169[/import]


This is not an anomaly, this is just the way that Director was built. Director uses the width and height that you informed at config.lua file. [import]uid: 8556 topic_id: 6169 reply_id: 21388[/import]


Thank you sir! This is just what I was looking for.


Paul [import]uid: 7863 topic_id: 6169 reply_id: 24909[/import]