Another bad day at revmob

And here we go again, 4 th day in a row with almost no results with revmob.

No information, just bad results.

I mean, its already hard for indie devs to monetize your app, but with an install rate of 0.30 who would even consider using them?

For the last 4 days i had 15k impressions, 3500 clicks, and a revenue of barely 20 bucks a day.

So we deliver all the impressions and clicks, and because of network problems, we get screwed with a couple of dollars a day. No word or any communication from Revmob in anyway.

They get probably paid anyway so they dont care.

CoronaLabs, if you really want your users to MONETIZE their apps, write some plugins so we can switch advertising networks! It can’t be that hard!

You only give us a choice between that crappy InnerActive that pays you 0.01 for 1 click, no support for other networks whatsoever. It can’t be that hard to write plugins to support the most popular advertising networks.

Sorry for the rant, but I’m getting really frustrated.

[import]uid: 50459 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 336182[/import]

Hey there,

Sorry to hear that. I’m just about getting ready to release my app myself and have been researching into ads slowly for a while now. Is revmob really the only way to go? Is iAds, inMobi and whatever else there is not worthy at all? Sorry to ask you a question in your own thread, hope things get better. Thanks for reading [import]uid: 77199 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143675[/import]

Didn’t try iAds yet, but don’t go for InnerActive, they’re really shitty [import]uid: 50459 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143676[/import]

Hey guys - I just saw this and thought I would chime in. I have *zero* info on Revmob and cannot comment *at all* on their CPMs or service.

However, I do want to comment on ad networks more generally based on your experience here. This is my opinion, feel free to ignore it:

  1. All ad networks have their issues - it’s just a fact. Whether it’s a low fill rate or low CPMs or something else, there is always something. Very rarely, unless you have a huge app that has a fantastic, targeted demographic, will you see sustained high CPMs

  2. It is fair to say that we (Corona) should have more options. We want to address that.

  3. But I am willing to bet that no matter how many options we have, this complaint will always come up. This is because it’s just the nature of things. Most small apps will always very inconsistent results. So blaming us (Corona) or even Revmob is not entirely fair. We already have Inmobi, inneractive, iAds and you can use Revmob. I suppose we could ad Admob, Millenial and all sorts of others. But the result will be the same - I guarantee most developers will not get blown away. Sadly, that’s just reality.

I’m not saying you should not use ad networks. They play a good role in the monetization of apps. But expecting them to make you a ton of money is not realistic for most.

Finally - I know of developers seeing good results from inneractive (and Inmobi). So labeling as “shitty” across the board is not fair.

Again - this is just my opinion based on what Ive seen. I don’t mean to be disrespectful in any way. Please feel free to just ignore.

David [import]uid: 10668 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143684[/import]

David is correct. Every other ad network that I’ve used in my native apps (before I started with Corona), have had their problems. Some more frustrating than others.

@ rmbsoft
I agree that it’s all about the revenue, but I’m not sure which other networks you are comparing with. Even *with* the current RevMob problems, it still outperforms any of the other ad networks (Admob, Mobclix) that I’m using in my Xcode native apps.

It’s my belief that RevMob will eventually get things back on track… [import]uid: 70847 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143694[/import]

Hi all,

I’d like to chime in as well. We’ve tried A LOT of networks and tuned ad frequency and impressions per session up and down several times over the last months. This is what we’ve found out:

You have to create a backend - just put a json file on S3 or something similar - to be able to turn off and on networks, ad frequency, order of different networks etc. The admediator module is a nice example on what you need to do. It’s crucial that you don’t rely on one single network, but implement as many as possible. Now, this is a pain in Corona today, but I’m sure it’ll change when non-enterprise users can use plugins as well.

We’re currently using Vungle video ads, Chartboost, Tapfortap, Revmob and iAds in our games, and we’ve worked for weeks with different algorithms and tuned the order, time between, max per session, fallback and failover etc. The ad-controller in our project is by far the biggest chunk of code to date in one single class :). But it is doing wonders for us; we can easily turn off networks that have a bad day, go up/down on number of ads per session, the order of networks etc. It helps tremendously on optimizing revenue on a daily basis.

Also, Chartboost is so, so great. It does not have better eCPMs than other networks, but the reporting is so detailed you can drill down to each and every different ad they have shown in your app, sort by eCPM and the filter out ads that perform bad in your app. You can even contact studios with ads that perform well in your app and agree on a direct deal, where Revmob takes zero comission.

But for now you need Enterprise to use Chartboost, Vungle, Tapfortap etc. This is Coronas biggest downside at the moment -> monetization has been ignored for way too long. Get Enterprise, and you’ll be happy :slight_smile:

A word about Revmob

It performed really well before they fixed the tiny close button. We know from our ticket system that a lot of users complained about the tiny button, leading to a lot of ghost clicks. But it also made a lot of our “not so experienced” users click through to the landing page, which they normally would not do. It lead to a lot of extra installs.

[import]uid: 21746 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143695[/import]

Hi Haakon,

Thanks for your insights.

You do realize that we, non-enterprise users, REALLY want this kind of plug-ins?
So…as you have very good ad mediation functionality…when is your plugin ready for the indie/pro’s devs?

just kidding… :wink:

But you could make some extra bucks…selling this plugin.

Regarding the fullscreen close button of RevMob: In an old RevMob SDK (before the fix). I fixed the button size myself quite easy. I didn’t review the current SDK version but I assume you could do the same and decrease the size.

[import]uid: 106768 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143699[/import]

@ingemar - RevMob’s install rate issues this week have definitely plunged it down in performance below our other ad network options.

I want to concur on @haakon’s observation about the RevMob tiny-close-button fix. The install rate did not seem to change much before and after their fix, and there were obviously a lot more accidental clicks on the ad before they increased the close button’s click area. Not a great user experience, but it certainly was interesting to see the install rate data unchanged.

We’re mostly using a mix of ChartBoost, PlayHaven, RevMob, and house ads (where I mix in some direct deals) at the moment. More on the way: Flurry w/ video ads, iAds, LifeStreet, etc. I haven’t checked out Vungle or Tapfortap before - are they worth it? We also use a server-side ad mediator and I find myself tweaking the balances quite often. Since we pull all the revenue & impression data from each service throughout the day my intention is to automate the re-balancing of the ad networks but I haven’t gotten a good feel for whatever manual algorithm I seem to be using. It’s not a clear-cut “hey use the highest eCPM network” because ChartBoost and RevMov miscount impressions when we pre-cache the ads, and also because fillrate fallback priority code, so the eCPM’s aren’t truly accurate.

My feedback on the networks so far:

  • ChartBoost: fantastic reporting & openness; nice looking ad styles. Performance tends to be 1st or 2nd place on our apps. Their ad creatives tend to get a bit stale.
  • RevMob: no openness, communication is lacking. Performance tends to be 1st or 2nd place. Cheapest looking ad creatives.
  • PlayHaven: good communication, nice tools, nice quality creatives. Performance tends to lag a bit behind but not by far.
    [import]uid: 25108 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143760[/import]

Hey there,

Sorry to hear that. I’m just about getting ready to release my app myself and have been researching into ads slowly for a while now. Is revmob really the only way to go? Is iAds, inMobi and whatever else there is not worthy at all? Sorry to ask you a question in your own thread, hope things get better. Thanks for reading [import]uid: 77199 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143675[/import]

Didn’t try iAds yet, but don’t go for InnerActive, they’re really shitty [import]uid: 50459 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143676[/import]

Hey guys - I just saw this and thought I would chime in. I have *zero* info on Revmob and cannot comment *at all* on their CPMs or service.

However, I do want to comment on ad networks more generally based on your experience here. This is my opinion, feel free to ignore it:

  1. All ad networks have their issues - it’s just a fact. Whether it’s a low fill rate or low CPMs or something else, there is always something. Very rarely, unless you have a huge app that has a fantastic, targeted demographic, will you see sustained high CPMs

  2. It is fair to say that we (Corona) should have more options. We want to address that.

  3. But I am willing to bet that no matter how many options we have, this complaint will always come up. This is because it’s just the nature of things. Most small apps will always very inconsistent results. So blaming us (Corona) or even Revmob is not entirely fair. We already have Inmobi, inneractive, iAds and you can use Revmob. I suppose we could ad Admob, Millenial and all sorts of others. But the result will be the same - I guarantee most developers will not get blown away. Sadly, that’s just reality.

I’m not saying you should not use ad networks. They play a good role in the monetization of apps. But expecting them to make you a ton of money is not realistic for most.

Finally - I know of developers seeing good results from inneractive (and Inmobi). So labeling as “shitty” across the board is not fair.

Again - this is just my opinion based on what Ive seen. I don’t mean to be disrespectful in any way. Please feel free to just ignore.

David [import]uid: 10668 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143684[/import]

David is correct. Every other ad network that I’ve used in my native apps (before I started with Corona), have had their problems. Some more frustrating than others.

@ rmbsoft
I agree that it’s all about the revenue, but I’m not sure which other networks you are comparing with. Even *with* the current RevMob problems, it still outperforms any of the other ad networks (Admob, Mobclix) that I’m using in my Xcode native apps.

It’s my belief that RevMob will eventually get things back on track… [import]uid: 70847 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143694[/import]

Hi all,

I’d like to chime in as well. We’ve tried A LOT of networks and tuned ad frequency and impressions per session up and down several times over the last months. This is what we’ve found out:

You have to create a backend - just put a json file on S3 or something similar - to be able to turn off and on networks, ad frequency, order of different networks etc. The admediator module is a nice example on what you need to do. It’s crucial that you don’t rely on one single network, but implement as many as possible. Now, this is a pain in Corona today, but I’m sure it’ll change when non-enterprise users can use plugins as well.

We’re currently using Vungle video ads, Chartboost, Tapfortap, Revmob and iAds in our games, and we’ve worked for weeks with different algorithms and tuned the order, time between, max per session, fallback and failover etc. The ad-controller in our project is by far the biggest chunk of code to date in one single class :). But it is doing wonders for us; we can easily turn off networks that have a bad day, go up/down on number of ads per session, the order of networks etc. It helps tremendously on optimizing revenue on a daily basis.

Also, Chartboost is so, so great. It does not have better eCPMs than other networks, but the reporting is so detailed you can drill down to each and every different ad they have shown in your app, sort by eCPM and the filter out ads that perform bad in your app. You can even contact studios with ads that perform well in your app and agree on a direct deal, where Revmob takes zero comission.

But for now you need Enterprise to use Chartboost, Vungle, Tapfortap etc. This is Coronas biggest downside at the moment -> monetization has been ignored for way too long. Get Enterprise, and you’ll be happy :slight_smile:

A word about Revmob

It performed really well before they fixed the tiny close button. We know from our ticket system that a lot of users complained about the tiny button, leading to a lot of ghost clicks. But it also made a lot of our “not so experienced” users click through to the landing page, which they normally would not do. It lead to a lot of extra installs.

[import]uid: 21746 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143695[/import]

Hi Haakon,

Thanks for your insights.

You do realize that we, non-enterprise users, REALLY want this kind of plug-ins?
So…as you have very good ad mediation functionality…when is your plugin ready for the indie/pro’s devs?

just kidding… :wink:

But you could make some extra bucks…selling this plugin.

Regarding the fullscreen close button of RevMob: In an old RevMob SDK (before the fix). I fixed the button size myself quite easy. I didn’t review the current SDK version but I assume you could do the same and decrease the size.

[import]uid: 106768 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143699[/import]

@ingemar - RevMob’s install rate issues this week have definitely plunged it down in performance below our other ad network options.

I want to concur on @haakon’s observation about the RevMob tiny-close-button fix. The install rate did not seem to change much before and after their fix, and there were obviously a lot more accidental clicks on the ad before they increased the close button’s click area. Not a great user experience, but it certainly was interesting to see the install rate data unchanged.

We’re mostly using a mix of ChartBoost, PlayHaven, RevMob, and house ads (where I mix in some direct deals) at the moment. More on the way: Flurry w/ video ads, iAds, LifeStreet, etc. I haven’t checked out Vungle or Tapfortap before - are they worth it? We also use a server-side ad mediator and I find myself tweaking the balances quite often. Since we pull all the revenue & impression data from each service throughout the day my intention is to automate the re-balancing of the ad networks but I haven’t gotten a good feel for whatever manual algorithm I seem to be using. It’s not a clear-cut “hey use the highest eCPM network” because ChartBoost and RevMov miscount impressions when we pre-cache the ads, and also because fillrate fallback priority code, so the eCPM’s aren’t truly accurate.

My feedback on the networks so far:

  • ChartBoost: fantastic reporting & openness; nice looking ad styles. Performance tends to be 1st or 2nd place on our apps. Their ad creatives tend to get a bit stale.
  • RevMob: no openness, communication is lacking. Performance tends to be 1st or 2nd place. Cheapest looking ad creatives.
  • PlayHaven: good communication, nice tools, nice quality creatives. Performance tends to lag a bit behind but not by far.
    [import]uid: 25108 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143760[/import]

Hey there,

Sorry to hear that. I’m just about getting ready to release my app myself and have been researching into ads slowly for a while now. Is revmob really the only way to go? Is iAds, inMobi and whatever else there is not worthy at all? Sorry to ask you a question in your own thread, hope things get better. Thanks for reading [import]uid: 77199 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143675[/import]

Didn’t try iAds yet, but don’t go for InnerActive, they’re really shitty [import]uid: 50459 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143676[/import]

Hey guys - I just saw this and thought I would chime in. I have *zero* info on Revmob and cannot comment *at all* on their CPMs or service.

However, I do want to comment on ad networks more generally based on your experience here. This is my opinion, feel free to ignore it:

  1. All ad networks have their issues - it’s just a fact. Whether it’s a low fill rate or low CPMs or something else, there is always something. Very rarely, unless you have a huge app that has a fantastic, targeted demographic, will you see sustained high CPMs

  2. It is fair to say that we (Corona) should have more options. We want to address that.

  3. But I am willing to bet that no matter how many options we have, this complaint will always come up. This is because it’s just the nature of things. Most small apps will always very inconsistent results. So blaming us (Corona) or even Revmob is not entirely fair. We already have Inmobi, inneractive, iAds and you can use Revmob. I suppose we could ad Admob, Millenial and all sorts of others. But the result will be the same - I guarantee most developers will not get blown away. Sadly, that’s just reality.

I’m not saying you should not use ad networks. They play a good role in the monetization of apps. But expecting them to make you a ton of money is not realistic for most.

Finally - I know of developers seeing good results from inneractive (and Inmobi). So labeling as “shitty” across the board is not fair.

Again - this is just my opinion based on what Ive seen. I don’t mean to be disrespectful in any way. Please feel free to just ignore.

David [import]uid: 10668 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143684[/import]

David is correct. Every other ad network that I’ve used in my native apps (before I started with Corona), have had their problems. Some more frustrating than others.

@ rmbsoft
I agree that it’s all about the revenue, but I’m not sure which other networks you are comparing with. Even *with* the current RevMob problems, it still outperforms any of the other ad networks (Admob, Mobclix) that I’m using in my Xcode native apps.

It’s my belief that RevMob will eventually get things back on track… [import]uid: 70847 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143694[/import]

Hi all,

I’d like to chime in as well. We’ve tried A LOT of networks and tuned ad frequency and impressions per session up and down several times over the last months. This is what we’ve found out:

You have to create a backend - just put a json file on S3 or something similar - to be able to turn off and on networks, ad frequency, order of different networks etc. The admediator module is a nice example on what you need to do. It’s crucial that you don’t rely on one single network, but implement as many as possible. Now, this is a pain in Corona today, but I’m sure it’ll change when non-enterprise users can use plugins as well.

We’re currently using Vungle video ads, Chartboost, Tapfortap, Revmob and iAds in our games, and we’ve worked for weeks with different algorithms and tuned the order, time between, max per session, fallback and failover etc. The ad-controller in our project is by far the biggest chunk of code to date in one single class :). But it is doing wonders for us; we can easily turn off networks that have a bad day, go up/down on number of ads per session, the order of networks etc. It helps tremendously on optimizing revenue on a daily basis.

Also, Chartboost is so, so great. It does not have better eCPMs than other networks, but the reporting is so detailed you can drill down to each and every different ad they have shown in your app, sort by eCPM and the filter out ads that perform bad in your app. You can even contact studios with ads that perform well in your app and agree on a direct deal, where Revmob takes zero comission.

But for now you need Enterprise to use Chartboost, Vungle, Tapfortap etc. This is Coronas biggest downside at the moment -> monetization has been ignored for way too long. Get Enterprise, and you’ll be happy :slight_smile:

A word about Revmob

It performed really well before they fixed the tiny close button. We know from our ticket system that a lot of users complained about the tiny button, leading to a lot of ghost clicks. But it also made a lot of our “not so experienced” users click through to the landing page, which they normally would not do. It lead to a lot of extra installs.

[import]uid: 21746 topic_id: 36182 reply_id: 143695[/import]