I will be giving a guest talk and lecture to a high school at my hometown in Malaysia (my first lecture), the session is about 2 hr. I plan to give a brief cover about the mobile app history (10-20min), and give a practical handon guide to help them make a small project within that 2hr session. While I have some ideas to make the coding part easy for them who is total beginner to computer (not to mention programming), but I have a hard time finding ideas on some of the cool things to talk about to get them excited and want to explore more on the mobile app.
I was thinking giving out the history and some statistics number of the app/usage, but then it would be too formal and academic style which may not be catch their attention as billions app download, the market potential not meaning much to them for the students at high school who don’t have much exposure to computer/mobile world. Not all will heard of Angry Bird before, as many of their parents still using dumbphone and don’t have tablet.
It will be great if anyone who have previous teaching experience to the kids could share some direction/tips/topics that is fun to talk about that will get the kids excited about and want to learn more of it.
Thank you.