Hi guys,
I started experimenting with applovin ad network (banner or fullscreen) and so far the integration is really easy (the ad look like Charboost…not as good but decent). I am wondering if anybody is actually using on a live app and what of type results you are getting. I also have couple questions if you know:
1- How to pause the ad? I cannot see anyway to do it from their dashboard.
2- I did click on some ads and downloaded the apps (I think 3 times) but I only saw 1 install (which was $2.5 so not too bad!)
3- The doc talks about listeners but unfortunately the link of the Github for the Corona implementation is down (no files there) Anybody played with the listerners (ie finding out when the ad is displayed or show an error…so I can switch network like Revmob)?
I am looking at some ad options for my next game (in addition to Revmob) and would love to hear any experience with Applovin.com