I have written the code below after following a tutorial on YouTube, however I have had to adapt what was been taught slightly in order to get the code to perform as I wanted.
My goal was to make sure that the background filled the device/simulator screen for all devices.
I seem to have achieved my goal and the background fills out the entire device/simulator screen.
Is this the write way to achieve this? Can anyone see a problem with working this way?
Many thanks for reading my post. I’m very, very new to Corona and programming in general so please excuse me if this is totally incorrect
local _H = display.contentHeight;
local _W = display.contentWidth;
local background = display.newImageRect(“images/background.png”,_W,_H);
background.x = _W/2; background.y = _H/2
[import]uid: 173546 topic_id: 30296 reply_id: 330296[/import]