APK size issue

Hiya all,
Today I’m testing out my new app.
Built initally at 27mb.
Did some fiddling - not much - it went up to 40mb on the next build.
Thought it was strange - built again with no changes - this time it’s 54mb.
What’s going on?

Did you try searching the forums first?

And that explains…?
What sample code was added to the build.settings?
My other app did not do this - there is something wrong.
I watched it grow steadily up to 70odd meg over years.
Not jump every compile.
Next compile after changing an integer is 67.5mb.
Can you explain this?


By the way the total assets for this app is currently 2.69mb.


Another build without changing anything - for fun/testing - it’s now at 81mb.
Am guessing there is something currently wrong build server side.


Wait… I think I’ve sussed it…!

Don’t move the build folder into the source folder is the morale of this story…
There was a clue in the thread you linked @anon63346430 - thank you :slight_smile:


If you have files and/or folders in the project folder that you don’t want to be included in the build(s), then you can (and should) exclude them from the build files by using build.settings.