Hello Rob, I made a build on feb 19 and it was tuning ok after the Facebook bug. But today I publish a new one and the same bug is happening.
Please, can you check into that ?
Hello Rob, I made a build on feb 19 and it was tuning ok after the Facebook bug. But today I publish a new one and the same bug is happening.
Please, can you check into that ?
I just built the Facebook sample app and tried to login on Android (the error reported here) and it worked as expected. If you’re getting other errors than this:
Process: com.companyname.game, PID: 848
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.companyname.game/com.facebook.FacebookActivity}: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/layout/com_facebook_activity_layout.xml from xml type layout resource ID #0x7f030019
then its a different error and should be reported in a new thread. The fall off in installs is a different issue than this thread is covering as well.
That’s right Rob. Our issue has been resolved.