App Exits as Soon as Facebook is Triggered - iOS only - My Code Here

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Facebook Button Configuration -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Facebook listener local function facebookListener( event ) if "request" == event.type then if event.isError then native.showAlert( "Request Error", "Error trying to get the current user", { "OK" } ) return end local response = json.decode( event.response ) if response then -- Store Users First Name myData.firstName = response.first\_name local firstName\_path = system.pathForFile( "firstName.txt", system.DocumentsDirectory ) local fh\_firstName = firstName\_path, "w+" ) -- save the userName if fh\_firstName then fh\_firstName:write( myData.firstName ) io.close( fh\_firstName ) fh\_firstName = nil end myData.lastName = response.last\_name local lastName\_path = system.pathForFile( "lastName.txt", system.DocumentsDirectory ) local fh\_lastName = lastName\_path, "w+" ) -- save the userName if fh\_lastName then fh\_lastName:write( myData.lastName ) io.close( fh\_lastName ) fh\_lastName = nil end myData.userID = local userID\_path = system.pathForFile( "userID.txt", system.DocumentsDirectory ) local fh\_userID = userID\_path, "w+" ) -- save the userName if fh\_userID then fh\_userID:write( myData.userID ) io.close( fh\_userID ) fh\_userID = nil end end local function networkListener( event ) if event.isError then native.showAlert( "Network Error", "Download of profile picture failed, please check your network connection", { "OK" } ) else end fbBtn.isVisible = false -- Reload the menu composer.gotoScene( "restartStart", "fade", 500 ) end -- Download the profile picture local path = system.pathForFile( myData.firstName .. myData.lastName .. myData.userID .. ".png", system.TemporaryDirectory ) local picDownloaded = path ) if not picDownloaded then "" .. myData.userID .. "/picture", "GET", networkListener, myData.firstName .. myData.lastName .. myData.userID .. ".png", system.TemporaryDirectory ) else fbBtn.isVisible = true -- May need something here -- like to reload the menu -- Reload the menu composer.gotoScene( "restartStart" ) end -- After a successful login event, send the FB command -- Note: If the app is already logged in, we will still get a "login" phase elseif "session" == event.type then -- event.phase is one of: "login", "loginFailed", "loginCancelled", "logout" if event.phase ~= "login" then -- Exit if login error return end -- Request the current logged in user's info if fbCommand == GET\_USER\_INFO then facebook.request( "me" ) end end return true end -- Login function local function onFbBtnRelease( event ) --fbBtn.isVisible = false if(event.phase == "began") then self.hasFocus = true -- sfx.menuPress, { channel = 2 } ) elseif(self.hasFocus) then if(event.phase == "cancelled") then self.hasFocus = false return false elseif(event.phase == "ended") then self.hasFocus = false fbBtn.isVisible = false if ( appId ) then = false -- call the login method of the FB session object, passing in a handler -- to be called upon successful login. fbCommand = GET\_USER\_INFO facebook.login( appId, facebookListener, {"publish\_actions"} ) else local function onComplete( event ) system.openURL( "" ) end native.showAlert( "Error", "To develop for Facebook Connect, you need to get an application id from Facebook's website.", { "Learn More" }, onComplete ) end menuButtons() end end if (firstN) then firstN.isVisible = true end --logoutButton.isVisible = true return true end -- create a widget button fbBtn = widget.newButton{ defaultFile="fbLogo.png", overFile = "fbLogoOver.png", width=154, height=77, onEvent = onFbBtnRelease -- event listener function } fbBtn.x = \_W\*0.5 fbBtn.y = \_H\*0.8 fbBtn.isVisible = false

– Build Settings Part

plugins =
        [“facebook”] =
            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,
            supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true, [“iphone-sim”]=true },



This sounds to me like you don’t have the URL scheme things setup right in your build.settings.  Can you post that file please?


This sounds to me like you don’t have the URL scheme things setup right in your build.settings.  Can you post that file please?
