App hangs when using group:insert(draw)

local storyboard = require ( “storyboard” )
local widget = require(“widget”)
local charts = require(“draw”)
local scene = storyboard.newScene()
local localGroup = display.newGroup()
function scene:createScene( event )
local group = self.view

local fun = draw.newLine
–Passing datas to draw line
} group:insert(fun)

I am using storyboard to display many items. In one tab, I am displaying some line graphs. So When I click that tab , the above code will be executed.
If I use the group:insert(fun) , the app hangs and getting the following error
ERROR: table expected. If this is a function call, you might have used ‘.’ instead of ‘:’

So If I remove the group insert command. Everything works fine. But the line graph which I have drawn, is not removing from the screen when I switch between tabs [import]uid: 193230 topic_id: 32705 reply_id: 332705[/import]


It is a little unclear to me what the code above is for, but let me give you a suggestion anyways.

  1. Use a separate group to contain your line
  2. Create the group on entering the scene
  3. Insert the group into the self.view group that is provided by the scene
  4. After exiting the scene removeSelf() the group and set it to nil

Try something like this:

local lineGroup  
function scene:willEnterScene( event )   
 local group = self.view  
 local lineGroup = display.newGroup()  
 group:insert( lineGroup )  
 -- Code to make the line here  
 -- be sure to insert the line into lineGroup  
 -- lineGroup:insert( 'newLine' )  
function scene:didExitScene( event )  
 lineGroup = nil  

(Tip: The forums support < code > and < / code > tags to make code easier to read.) [import]uid: 110228 topic_id: 32705 reply_id: 130086[/import]


It is a little unclear to me what the code above is for, but let me give you a suggestion anyways.

  1. Use a separate group to contain your line
  2. Create the group on entering the scene
  3. Insert the group into the self.view group that is provided by the scene
  4. After exiting the scene removeSelf() the group and set it to nil

Try something like this:

local lineGroup  
function scene:willEnterScene( event )   
 local group = self.view  
 local lineGroup = display.newGroup()  
 group:insert( lineGroup )  
 -- Code to make the line here  
 -- be sure to insert the line into lineGroup  
 -- lineGroup:insert( 'newLine' )  
function scene:didExitScene( event )  
 lineGroup = nil  

(Tip: The forums support < code > and < / code > tags to make code easier to read.) [import]uid: 110228 topic_id: 32705 reply_id: 130086[/import]