Hi Corona Team,
We are relly getting very frustrated trying to upload a new version of our app to the appstore.
Here the story:
1-we need to send a new version to the appstore as soon as possible because we found a bug on our live version
2-we created a new version and uploaded the binary via the application loader
3-when we click submit we get this error
4-we then tried to do another build and we get binary already existing for this version
5-if we try to change the version number in our build we get the error in the screenshot attached ( and we know that even if the upload was good, apple will reject it because the build version has to match with the version number )
We are really struggling and wasting a lot of time on this.
We are asking to the Corona Team to look at this as oon as possible.
We are using the latest Corona Pro daily build and we added the CFBundleShortVersionString following your lates build rejeted threads.
Kind regards,