Apple IAP purchases validation


We use validation of purchases through Game Sparks. We have a problem with IOS 13. Validation has stopped working. I try to swich to Apple IAP plugin (

Everything is fine and the store.receiptBase64Data () function returns exactly what I need to validate the recipe. But the Restore function does not work in it. The application just crashes. Another store.isActive is always true. Even when the plugin is not initialized. How can we restore purchases? Any ideas?

How are you trying to restore the purchases?

i call store.restore() function. 

at the transactionCallback() when i call store.finishTransaction( event.transaction ) i get an Error :

About restoring: make sure you send only transactions to the finishTransaction. It is possible that you are sending some ather argument there.

Not all events should be sent to finishTransaction, you can try printing the event (print(json.prettify(event)) to see if may be you are closing not a transaction.

yes I know ) i use this:

if (event.transaction) then store.finishTransaction( event.transaction ) end


We are similarly stuck with iOS13 change in receipts. Have you been able to resolve the problems around apple IAP plug-in? 

I’m not sure what is your issue with receipts. Code which is handling receipts did not change for years. This days receipt validation should happen on server, or, locally, with new IAP plugin.

Well, Corona code may gad no change, but Apple certainly made a change to the receipt in iOS13 and the old store API does not handle it well, so now we cannot verify a purchase! The new IAP plugin is supposed to replace the old store API. The problem I have is that there is no clear migration guide to the new IAP plugin. It behaves differently. It has new methods and different event management. We have no clue how the developer of this plugin intended us to use it. There is literally no documentation about this plugin not to mention that its still marked as experimental.

Next daily build should have a fix for your issue.

Is this fixed?

This should have been fixed in 2019.3564
