Hello, I am trying to use Applovin ads, I would like to show those ads in “gameover” scene.
I build the game for Android only, and I test it with two different devices. When “gameover” is shown, I don’t see any ads but the message “This game stopped”, and that’s the end.
If I add “plugin.google.play.services”, the game does not crush, but still cannot see ads.
plugins = { ["plugin.applovin"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { android=true } }, ["plugin.google.play.services"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { android=true } }, },
I have created an account on Applovin website, I turn on “graphical insterstitials”, “video interstitials” and “playable ads”, but also tried to use only “graphical interstitials”.
Test ads - on, and I have played many times but did not see any ads.
In main class I have this code (I have implemented Appodeal ads in the same way, it was ok):
applovin = require( "plugin.applovin" ) local function adListener( event ) end -- Initialize the AppLovin plugin applovin.init( adListener, { sdkKey="EkQ9.....................", verboseLogging=false} )
In game over scene:
applovin.load("interstitial"); if applovin.isLoaded() then applovin.show("interstitial") end
Applovin support says: “The AppLovin adapter for Corona was created and is handled by Corona, and you should contact them for questions and technical issues”.