We have a custom iOS video player library that we are trying to turn into a plugin.
Using the example iOS project that comes with Corona-3100, we are able to call the player and initiate it.
We are initiating the player after passing a URL to “play”, to the " PluginLibrary.mm" file, and we are able to pass variables to the player to activate commands (Like: “play”, “pause”, etc).
Our issue is, that we need to be able to receive variables\events from the player as well, but unable to pass those variables\events to the " PluginLibrary.mm" from the player.
As a team that only used Corona for developing, we are not very familiar with the terminology, but we’ve gathered that we need to implement a “Delegate” (interface) that will pass the events from the listeners to Corona. Either through the " PluginLibrary.mm" file OR if there’s another way that we can pass those variables\events to Corona that would work as well.
Corona 2017.3100
xcode 9.0 (9A235)
Thank you,
Mars Team