I have a game I am working on that “Sucks” things into the center of the screen. I am doing this by using setLinearVelocity(). I have this working as intended. Once this is done, I want to give the things varying speeds. To do this, I was trying to use density and applyLinearImpulse(). According to the API, “If the target point is the body’s center of mass, it will tend to push the body in a straight line; if the target is offset from the body’s center of mass, the body will spin about its center of mass”. So, I chose the object.x and object.y but it doesn’t seem to be working as I had inspected. Some of them continue to the center as hoped, but many of them are slightly off or completely off when using the applyLinearImpulse().
local function createPixel() local randPixel = math.random ( 5 ) --used to decide which size/color/speed local randColor = math.random ( 5 ) local newPixel local pixelW local pixelH if ( randPixel == 1) then newPixel = display.newImageRect( mainGroup, "imgs/bluePixel.png", screenW/17.5, screenW/17.5 ) physics.addBody( newPixel, "dynamic", { density=.1 } ) newPixel.isSensor = true elseif (randPixel == 2 ) then newPixel = display.newImageRect( mainGroup, "imgs/redPixel.png", screenW/17.5, screenW/17.5 ) physics.addBody( newPixel, "dynamic", { density=.3 } ) newPixel.isSensor = true elseif (randPixel == 3 ) then newPixel = display.newImageRect( mainGroup, "imgs/greenPixel.png", screenW/17.5, screenW/17.5 ) physics.addBody( newPixel, "dynamic", { density=.7 } ) newPixel.isSensor = true elseif (randPixel == 4 ) then newPixel = display.newImageRect( mainGroup, "imgs/purplePixel.png", screenW/17.5, screenW/17.5 ) physics.addBody( newPixel, "dynamic", { density=1 } ) newPixel.isSensor = true elseif (randPixel == 5 ) then newPixel = display.newImageRect( mainGroup, "imgs/yellowPixel.png", screenW/17.5, screenW/17.5 ) physics.addBody( newPixel, "dynamic", { density=200 } ) newPixel.isSensor = true end table.insert( pixelsTable, newPixel ) newPixel.myName = "pixel" newPixel.isBullet = true local whereFrom = math.random( 4 ) local toX local toY --Set direction to the center of the screen (WORKING) if ( whereFrom == 1 ) then -- From the left newPixel.x = -60 newPixel.y = math.random( screenH ) toX = centerX-newPixel.x toY = centerY-newPixel.y newPixel:setLinearVelocity( toX, toY ) elseif ( whereFrom == 2 ) then -- From the top newPixel.x = math.random( screenW ) newPixel.y = -60 toX = centerX-newPixel.x toY = centerY-newPixel.y newPixel:setLinearVelocity( toX, toY ) elseif ( whereFrom == 3 ) then -- From the right newPixel.x = display.contentWidth + 60 newPixel.y = math.random( screenH ) toX = centerX-newPixel.x toY = centerY-newPixel.y newPixel:setLinearVelocity( toX, toY ) elseif ( whereFrom == 4 ) then -- From the bottom newPixel.x = math.random (screenW) newPixel.y = screenH + 60 toX = centerX-newPixel.x toY = centerY-newPixel.y newPixel:setLinearVelocity( toX, toY ) end --Speed it up (not working, changes direction from center) newPixel:applyLinearImpulse(1, 1, newPixel, newPixel.y) -- speeds them up based on density end