I am facing issues implementing appnext into my app…
getting those error messages when loading appnext ads while testing on actual device:
I/Corona ( 7371): Received adError for 14061fdc-5079-40b3-9f1f-bbb1caab9931_rewarded with message: Response error {“rnd”: [{“cb”:“3”}]}
I/Corona ( 7371): Received adError for 8ae4a61d-29fe-4617-865a-a9441832aed6_fullscreen with message: Error loading video
I’ll paste the relevant code down here hope you could help me fix this issue…
android = { googlePlayGamesAppId = "\*\*", usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE", "android.permission.ACCESS\_WIFI\_STATE", "com.android.vending.CHECK\_LICENSE", }, }, plugins = { ["CoronaProvider.gameNetwork.google"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", }, ["plugin.google.play.services"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { android=true } }, ["plugin.appnext"] = { publisherId = "com.appnext", supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, android=true } }, },
local appnext = require( "plugin.appnext" ); local function adListener( event ) print( "Received " .. event.event .. " for " .. event.adKey .. " with message: " .. event.message ); end -- Initialize the Appnext plugin appnext.init( adListener ); -- Create your ads local interstitialPlacementID local fullscreenPlacementID local rewardedPlacementID local platform = system.getInfo( "platformName" ) if ( platform == "iPhone OS" ) then interstitialPlacementID = "YOUR\_IOS\_INTERSTITIAL\_PLACEMENT\_ID" fullscreenPlacementID = "YOUR\_IOS\_FULLSCREEN\_PLACEMENT\_ID" rewardedPlacementID = "YOUR\_IOS\_REWARDED\_PLACEMENT\_ID" elseif ( platform == "Android" ) then interstitialPlacementID = "5a97df9c-6a50-45a3-91da-caab9d475e67" fullscreenPlacementID = "8ae4a61d-29fe-4617-865a-a9441832aed6" rewardedPlacementID = "14061fdc-5079-40b3-9f1f-bbb1caab9931" end local interstitialConfig = { SkipText = "Close Ad", CreativeType = "video" } local videoConfig = { ShowClose = true, CloseDelay = 5.5 } local interstitialAdKey = appnext.createAd( "interstitial", interstitialPlacementID, interstitialConfig ) local fullscreenAdKey = appnext.createAd( "fullscreen", fullscreenPlacementID, videoConfig ) local rewardedAdKey = appnext.createAd( "rewarded", rewardedPlacementID ) appnext.loadAd( fullscreenAdKey ) appnext.loadAd( rewardedAdKey ) if ( appnext.adIsLoaded( interstitialAdKey ) ) then appnext.showAd( interstitialAdKey ) end
testing this on Xiaomi Redmi 3 note