Appodeal Ad ends and apps audio stops

After an appodeal reward video runs, and returns to my app the audio fails completely.
If I ‘minimize’ the app after that and then bring the app back into focus audio returns.
The strange thing is this happens when certain rewards ads run and not when other reward ads run.
When reward ads are done, and if the ad has a ‘>>’ symbol at the top right that touch goes to a final close scene with the X to fully close the ad. Those types nearly always kill the audio in my app.
The single screen reward video that ends with a simple X at top right (those ads also seem to not run as longl) and those do not kill the audio.

Appodeal has not been able to really help and want all the relevant code; so how can I get the code for the plugin to send to them? Or, can I get a source-copy of the plugins (I assume I would need all the appodeal plugins I have listed in my build.settings, that is 6 plugins … issue if it is a plugin could be in any one of them.

Or if someone has experienced similar situation and have a solution that would be most helpful

I have in build.settings
[‘plugin.appodeal.base’] = { publisherId = ‘com.coronalabs’ },
[“plugin.appodeal.Unity”] = { publisherId = “com.coronalabs”},
[“plugin.appodeal.IronSource”] = { publisherId = “com.coronalabs”},
[“plugin.appodeal.Chartboost”] = { publisherId = “com.coronalabs”},
[‘plugin.appodeal.AppLovin’] = { publisherId = “com.coronalabs” },
[‘plugin.appodeal.FacebookAudience’] = { publisherId = “com.coronalabs” },

I am using SDK 3658
I test on iPad iOS 15.01. and iPhone iOS 14.7.1.

I build with the simulator iOS 15.0 metal

Thanks for any guidance possible

Took me, a bit to figure out but calling audio.stop() right be before the show in your demo seems to fix the issue

audio.stop()"interstitial", {})

Thanks Scott, much appreciated!

@Scott_Harrison We’ve had similar issues for a long time (both using ironSource and I think when we just used Unity by itself), but we’ve always had other priorities to deal with. I’ll try out your suggestion to see if it helps.

Do you know why it happens in the first place? My best guess was that an audio channel gets shared between the app and the ad or something like that, and then when the ad finishes it mutes that channel.

We have a related issue where people who have their own music playing over the app have it muted when an ad plays, and then the music doesn’t return when the app resumes. They have to kill the app for their own audio to start playing again.

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