Appodeal and 3704

I use Xcode 15.2, I suppose something wrong with appodeal plugin, it was updated recently, previous version worked fine.

I also faced such a problem. I understand that there are no solutions yet. Only use the beta version of Appodeal?

I managed to solve part of the problem.

I use
Solar 2D 2024.3705
xCode 15.3
Sonoma 14.4

In the “build.setting” file

MinimumOSVersion = “12.4”

I commented out the plugin
– [‘plugin.appodeal.Yandex’] = { publisherId = ‘com.coronalabs’ },

Now all my apps are being built successfully and sent to the AppStore, with errors.

Asset validation failed (90482)
Invalid Executable. The executable ‘’ contains bitcode. (ID: da00368e-f28c-49c2-ba62-6e10d2e03e1a)

I also had to add “NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription” to build.settings

Has anyone solved the problem with yandex?

ERROR: Builder failed: ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/alex/Desktop/, building for iOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for unknown-unsupported file format ( 0x76 0x65 0x72 0x73 0x69 0x6F 0x6E 0x20 0x68 0x74 0x74 0x70 0x73 0x3A 0x2F 0x2F )

Try rebuilding, should be fixed

Building works fine, but the app crashes after closing 20% of the ads: „[AppLovinSdk] DEBUG [ALErrorReporter] crash reported with code 200“

Also, I get the same Bitcode warning when trying to upload it: “Asset validation failed (90482)
Invalid Executable. The executable ‘ OMSDK_Appodeal.framework/OMSDK_Appodeal’ contains bitcode.”

I confirm that the application is going great, but when you try to send it to the AppStore, an error appears

Asset validation failed (90482)
Invalid Executable. The executable '' contains bitcode. (ID: 1de95369-1b69-4bc8-ac90-cf925cef1dfe)

Have you tested enough ads to see if it’s stable after closing them? For me, it crashed after every fifth

I wanted to send the build to TestFlight, but I can’t do it. That’s why I can’t test it on a real device.

Can you only install apps on your phone with Testflight? Not make a build with a development provisioning profile and install it with Xcode?

I installed the app on my iPhone, the app crashes at the time when the banner is flashing or a full-screen advertisement appears.

Me too, the app I installed from TestFlight crashes.
There is something wrong with the plugin.

Build 2024.3706
Xcode 15.2
Sonoma 14.4

same environment, appodeal.beta works fine.

Please tell me do you use beta for all appodeal plugins?
Like this, for example?

        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.base'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.Bidmachine'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.GoogleAdMob'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.AppLovin'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.FacebookAudience'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.MyTarget'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.Smaato'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.StartApp'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.Unity'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.Yandex'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.AmazonAds'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.AdColony'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.IronSource'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.Ogury'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ['plugin.appodeal.beta.Vungle'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
        ["plugin.appodeal.beta.Tapjoy"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" },
        ["plugin.appodeal.beta.Chartboost"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" },
        ["plugin.appodeal.beta.InMobi"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" },

Unfortunately, not all plugins. I just reverted it like below.
Now I have to try Bidmachine and Yandex.

I just pushed out a new non beta build for iOS which in my experience is more stable and not experienced a crash in my testing.

It still crashes one second after seeing a rewardedVideo ad :disappointed:
[AppLovinSdk] DEBUG [ALErrorReporter] crash reported with code 200

… But uploading to Testflight works!

Which ad networks are you using?

Edit: (do you know which ad network is causing the crash)

It‘s a safe crash after Applovin, and sometimes also at App start

I understand that there are no solutions yet. Only use the beta version of Appodeal?

I also use the beta in the live versions, it seems to be stable, but doesn’t have all ad networks, like Bidmachine on iOS.