Appodeal and memory

Is there a link to your app or a way we can get the APK for it? If needed you can upload it to DropBox or Google drive and send a link to support.  If we could get the source project that could be even more useful.  We don’t do anything with it other than try to find the cause.


Here are the direct links:




As for the code I did simple video playback and banner calls at the end of the level, nothing other than what the proper documentation says:

What device/operating system combination are you seeing this happen on?  We tried running your app and it grows about 150mb which is in the normal range.  



Also when did you last build to test this? The team would like you to build against the latest plugin.


We have checked “Beat the Air” as well, for iOS and for Android - didn’t found something strange. Played about 15 minutes, watched interstitials, videos, banners but app’s size didn’t increase much. Basically, we have just downloaded the apps through the links that you have provided. Android version increased on 20 mb after 15-minute play (which is normal). Could you please describe more specifically how to reproduce the app size increase? 

Well here is more help. I think it is AdColony but I am not sure. First I have never seen it on iOS. This is a simple app (finally moving Chess Clock Pro from Marmalade to Corona). But as of now, it is just a shell. One square image in the middle. You press it and you get an ad.

I am very casually hitting the button this morning while watching football. I also created a segment and turned off all the interstitials so it is all Video Ads. The app started under 50MB as I write this it is over 200MB. When it hit 100MB I turned off AdColony (via the segments) waited an hour and started the app again. I couldn’t get the app to go over 114MB. I then turned AdColony back on waited and started hitting the button casually. The app is now over 200MB.

Looking online it isn’t just Appodeal having the issue. Some people are programmatically clearing the cache when they use AdColony before the app closes. I couldn’t find a way to clear the cache from the corona api.

I apologize for the wait I had commitments on the weekend.

The tests I’ve performed are mostly on android devices, different tablets and smartphones.

The test was done in this way:

_5 minutes of playing watching video and various rewards

_Then it was I closed the app. and I reopened it

_5 minutes of playing watching video and various rewards

_Then it was I closed the app. and I reopened it

etc. This for several times

from time to time I run the screens that I now attach to you:

These come from the version I shared with you.

Rob asked me to try to create a new version. However if you have not yet understood the problem I doubt it was solved with updating. Anyway I do an attempt

Hi all,

exactly the same pb for me !

i have a beta-tester, playing my game for 2 months, and here is the result of data report for him :

Data : 1,55 Go !!!

Whereas i don’t save a lot of thing on DB, only some records. it should never go so up.

I have implemented appodeal rewarded video… so the pb come from this ?

So, is it a pb or not that the data of my app will increase so much again and again ?? can it freeze the phone ?

Do Appodeal will found a solution soon ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

is there a way to delete the appodeal cache myself in the code of my app ?

it could be a short-term solution…

There does not look to be an api for this, if this a big problem you might try just choosing a different issue. Since corona make almost api similarly you should be able to migrate easily.

Yes but appodeal is a must and corona and appodeal are very “linked”, so it could be great to keep appodeal…

Rob, is there something i can do to free the cache created by appodeal ?

If the plugin is using the same folder as the sandbox apps, you could use LFS and get a listing of system.TemporaryDirectory and system.cachesDirectory and see what files are there an how big they are. But with Android’s Intent system, the plugin could be in it’s own sandbox and you may not be able to get there.

This is really a question for the engineers from Corona and Appodeal that work on the plugin and SDK.  Karina is now watching the thread and she will have better access to answer some of these more technical questions.


@triogical and @Scott Harrison Thank you for your contribution

@Rob Miracle I’m looking forward to updates so I’m glad we’re working on it. is a very important issue

Rob I can confirm, I tried using LFS and it doesn’t see any of the video files.



I am jumping in on this discussion as I am the user who reported the heavy data usage below.

I must admit that I know nothing about coronalabs and appodeal.

I also know little about Android applications but I am well versed in C and Linux.

It seems that the heavy data usage is due to an accumulation of files, particularly m4v video ones, in the /data/data/com.jealogic.triogicalB2/files/adc3/media directory.

(com.jealogic.triogicalB2 is the reference of Triogical)

UPDATE: I have looked at the m4v files and they are indeed advertisements for Android applications.

It seems that regularly four m4v files of about 3 MB with identical content are added cumulatively.

UPDATE2: I have to do these tests on another machine where I have root access.

I do not have root on the machine with 1.55 GB of data :frowning:

Without root, Android (or toolbox?) will not allow me to traverse the directories.

This is unexpected as their access rights are “drwxrwx–x”.

Sometimes I only have single copies of the files but they are always added cumulatively.

The largest I have seen so far is about 5 MB.

UPDATE3: These m4v videos have the logo AdColony at the bottom right.




Karina, please help !

this thread is alive until middle august and we are last septembre.

it’s a very important bug to fix because all our apps fill android’ directory with up to 2 Go data od unused video file !!


In countries like Vietnam (and this kind of “very-android” and “poor-device” country), an app using corona and android CANNOT be load more than 3 times before crashing due to this leak.

Please can you tell us when this will be fix ? in a couple of days ? of weeks ?

I am not an appodeal coder, but the goal is only to delete old files, it surely could be fixed “easily” no ?

As always, sorry for my english, hope you understand me :slight_smile:


I develop the app along with sig.g1.

I agree with triogical. I think it’s a very important issue.

We are waiting to update the app and publish it but if it does not resolve soon we should change the plugin.

At least until it resolves…

I apologize for my English too



I should also like to underline that this (flash) memory leak is very serious.

It is much more serious than even a standard (RAM) memory leak because:

  • memory leaked by an application is reclaimed on closing the application
  • memory leaked by the kernel is reclaimed by a reboot
  • however memory leaked by this bug is never reclaimed, not even after a reboot

Please would you kindly correct this bug rapidly.

Would it help if I filed an official bug report?

UPDATE: Wouldn’t a simple workaround be to store these files as cache rather than data?

At least the cache can be easily cleared by the user without losing all the application’s settings.




The solution to storing data in cache does not like me.

For us to clean it is simple but for many users it is not(as children).  I always think of all the users.

I think the problem should be resolved to the root …

Yes, I agree, but as I wrote, it is just a workaround which should be easy to implement quickly with little risk of regressions.

Cache cleaning on raw Android does indeed require a little knowledge.

However there are also applications, such as CCleaner and ES Explorer, which greatly simplify cache cleaning and virtually automate it.