Before using Appodeal the build size was 6mb. Now it’s gone up to 17mb and 39mb install size. Is this normal and is there any way of reducing the size?
Appodeal is a “Mediation” plugin. That is they provide you ads from multiple ad providers with the goal of making sure you always have an ad available and never hit problems with lack of inventory or fill rate. For this to work, they have to include the SDK’s for all the ad providers they are getting ads from.
Think of it like this, if you did your own mediation and included the plugins for Vungle, Facebook Audience Network, AppLovin, AdBuddiz and so on, your app would be rather large with all these libraries included. You’re more than welcome to pick the providers you want to use, deal with conflicts in the plugins and write your own code to call each of the ad-vendors until you get an ad. Or you can use one plugin, let them mediate at their higher speeds and with less code getting you the highest paying ads available. But that comes at the cost of a larger binary for your customers to install.
Appodeal is a “Mediation” plugin. That is they provide you ads from multiple ad providers with the goal of making sure you always have an ad available and never hit problems with lack of inventory or fill rate. For this to work, they have to include the SDK’s for all the ad providers they are getting ads from.
Think of it like this, if you did your own mediation and included the plugins for Vungle, Facebook Audience Network, AppLovin, AdBuddiz and so on, your app would be rather large with all these libraries included. You’re more than welcome to pick the providers you want to use, deal with conflicts in the plugins and write your own code to call each of the ad-vendors until you get an ad. Or you can use one plugin, let them mediate at their higher speeds and with less code getting you the highest paying ads available. But that comes at the cost of a larger binary for your customers to install.