I’ve been looking at adding Appodeal to an upcoming project of mine, and since there’s been all sorts of questions and uncertainty concerning the plugin here on the forums, I thought I’d ask before getting to the point of adding it.
1) The documentation (https://docs.coronalabs.com/plugin/appodeal/) states that the Stable plugin version is 2.5.7 for Android and 2.5.8 for iOS, but the beta plugin’s versions are 2.5.3 for both. For what reason is the beta plugin behind the stable version? Are there some important differences between the two to take into consideration?
2) The documentation also states: “Be warned that plugin builds for Amazon store are restricted at the moment. We are working on the appropriate SDK/plugin update and the ability to publish your apps, which includes Corona Appodeal modular plugin, to Amazon store should become available as soon as possible.”
Is there a rough ETA for when this might be addressed? For instance, during 2019? Q1 or Q2 2020?
3) StartApp seems to be a part of the plugin’s base. Is it required for the plugin to work or can it be removed with the rest of unnecessary ad unit types and providers?