Hi, I have a problem with Appodeal.
In the main.lua:
local appodeal = require( "plugin.appodeal" ) local function adListener(event) if (event.phase=="init") then print("Appodeal event: initialization successful") appodeal.show( "banner", { yAlign="bottom" } ) elseif (event.phase=="loaded") then print("Appodeal event: "..tostring(event.type).." ad loaded successfully") elseif (event.phase=="closed") then print("Appodeal event: "..tostring(event.type).." ad closed by user") elseif (event.phase=="clicked") then print("Appodeal event: "..tostring(event.type).." ad clicked/tapped by user") elseif (event.phase=="failed") then print("Appodeal event: "..tostring(event.type).." ad failed to load") end end appodeal.init( adListener, { appKey="KEY"})
The problem is that the adlistener keeps running in the background and keeps calling the show function every few seconds.
What should i do? I got so many impressions just from testing my game.