Appodeal sound issue.


Playing rewarded videos on Appodeal’s iOS has a problem with no sound when returning to the app.
If it returns to the iOS home screen with the home button and then visits the app again, the sound will play normally.

Android does not have this problem.
This seems to have happened from some previous Soloar2D versions.
Also, it seems that this is not always the case. I think it depends on the advertising network.

Has anyone encountered the same problem?

This is a problem with ironsource not being correctly configured in appodeal. It was a big problen for us because our apps aim to provide a rich audio experience during gameplay. The only ironsource implementation I’m aware of that’s compatible with Solar2d and doesn’t have this problem is Scott’s plugin. He had fixed it quite promptly after we had pointed this out

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Thank you for your reply.
It will be very helpful.

I’m not using Scott’s plugin, but can disabling plugin.appodeal.IronSource fix the problem?

If the problem you’re experiencing is indeed with IronSource ads then you should be simply able to deactivate ironsource mediation from your appodeal dashboard. If it is with another ad network, then I you’d have to identify the network first.

I definitely know that most mediation plugins that use ironsource omit a certain flag which needs to be set to prevent this audio issue. This is also the case with coronalabs’ own ironsource plugin so I am only guessing that your issue is also down to ironsource ads

I stopped ironSource in the Appodeal settings, but the situation didn’t change.
But I stopped this because the Vungle ad didn’t sound either.
It seems that Vungle was the cause. Now the sound comes out normally.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Working on the update!


I think you are busy, but thank you.
I hope to solve the problem.

@vlads and @umalemon, did this problem get solved?

Im workin on the update right now. It may solve the issue.


Has this issue been fixed in Solar2D 2021.3649? Or are you still working on it?

Yes, I am still working on it

OK, thank you for your development.
And when can it be fixed?

@vlad, has this been fixed? I’m having the exact same problem when my app returns from an AppLovin ad on iOS. No sound control returns to my app after an Ad is shown. My app remains silent.

agramonte said.

Well, I noticed today while testing it is more like:
Delay then >>> then-new playable screen with a delay then >> then a final screen with a delay then impossible to click the first time x.

On another note, I looked on google and found this issue is common. Apparently, there is no way to stop the applovin videos from stoping your channel unless you make your sounds “ambient mix”. I don’t know what impact this will have on other things but for most games, I believe it will be fine. Please test.

Luckily solar2d already has a function you can call. Adding this to the top of the test app solved the issue for me:

if audio.supportsSessionProperty then
audio.setSessionProperty(audio.MixMode, audio.AmbientMixMode)

I haven’t tried it yet, but this seems likely.

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