Are Particle and Text Candy dead?

Burnsj002, has an excellent point.  You do get the whole of the code for those libs and you can fix them if you encounter problems.

I’m definitely not advising you to buy or not buy, but rather to be aware you have choices and that, if you run into trouble you may need to reach out to users here or self-solve.

I’ve had the opportunity to see both libraries when working for clients and they are great.


Hey Guys,

Thanks a lot for the info. I’ll check out some of the other options.

@Burnsj002 I can have a hunt around for the demo project I sent to x-pressive, but as I remember it, I had some emitters that I wanted to persist over scenes… I didn’t want to recreate them each scene. So before each scene transition I stopped the emitters, cleared up the particles using ClearParticles, deleted the attractors etc etc.

However when I came back to the scene and restarted the emitters the particle count was the same as before calling ClearParticles()

In the end I refactored the code to that I could use Cleanup() and just deleted everything between scenes.

If you are really interested PM me and I’ll dig out the project… My Lua knowledge wasn’t up to fixing it at the time. Probably not now either :slight_smile:



I have kind of peek at this library, isn’t there performance problems if you use textures as particles?

re: Performance - That depends.

If you make thousands of particles per second sure.  It all depends on how you use it.  This is why I won’t say one is better than the other, rather one may be more appropriate depending on use.

If that wasn’t a waffling answer I don’t know what is. :slight_smile:

I use Particle Candy with no problems.  Easy to configure and the performance is great.