Are there any Corona apps on the Apple TV App store right now?

Just curious, are there any Corona developers out there who have managed to submit and get their Corona app approved on the tvOS app store?

Would probably be interesting for many of us to see how the apps work and to hear if there was any headaches in the process?

Thanks :slight_smile:

(PS! I’m specifically interested if anyone has a take on the problem i recently posted about - just trying to figure out of much time i should put into trying to solve it, if it is even possible)

As far as I know, no one has submitted an app yet. Remember this is an alpha product.

I’ll check with engineering about the menu button not exiting. I’m unsure if this is a rejectable issue or not. We are also still working on an iCloud plugin for storage. You will probably need this before you can submit if you need to save any settings.

On a good news front, we think we have a solution for icon and topshelf images. The plan is for this to be Tuesday’s tutorial. This gets us closer to SDK builds. 


Thanks for the reply!

I think it is a rejectable issue, according to the guidelines expectet behavior is to go back to the Main menu.

I will nevertheless submit my app today, so we will see what Apple says. I force an exit with os.exit() so I think the odds are definitely in favor of getting rejected, but I figured that I have nothing to lose… I’ll let you know the results :slight_smile:

Btw, I have had no issues with icon and topshelf images, but I then again I am using Corona Enterprise.

marksumarksu can you report your findings?  Did the app make it to market?

We announced today that Apple TV and tvOS support is now in beta and no longer in Alpha. We’ve successfully submitted apps to the store. I recommend picking up 2795.


As far as I know, no one has submitted an app yet. Remember this is an alpha product.

I’ll check with engineering about the menu button not exiting. I’m unsure if this is a rejectable issue or not. We are also still working on an iCloud plugin for storage. You will probably need this before you can submit if you need to save any settings.

On a good news front, we think we have a solution for icon and topshelf images. The plan is for this to be Tuesday’s tutorial. This gets us closer to SDK builds. 


Thanks for the reply!

I think it is a rejectable issue, according to the guidelines expectet behavior is to go back to the Main menu.

I will nevertheless submit my app today, so we will see what Apple says. I force an exit with os.exit() so I think the odds are definitely in favor of getting rejected, but I figured that I have nothing to lose… I’ll let you know the results :slight_smile:

Btw, I have had no issues with icon and topshelf images, but I then again I am using Corona Enterprise.

marksumarksu can you report your findings?  Did the app make it to market?

We announced today that Apple TV and tvOS support is now in beta and no longer in Alpha. We’ve successfully submitted apps to the store. I recommend picking up 2795.
