Assets not displaying in composer

OK, I saw a previous thread that was archived along the same issue I’m having. It doesn’t display ANY assets, regardless of what directory I put them in inside the project. 

Are there any tips or suggestions? I know it’s in beta but dang, really? Reallly??? No images? Useless without any assets, namean? I got a great black background though… : 

Thanks in advance!

OS X 10.10.5

Corona Version 2016.2813 (2016.1.22)

Hey mroberti,

The folder has to be called “assets”. It’s a limitation that will be changed.

If your folder is called like that and you still experience issues, the best bet we would have in helping you would be for you to post a small project for us to test on via the bug tracking system.



Yeah, had that folder in there already; still doesn’t work. No worries. I made my own level creation tool, and there’s always Inkscape, but I remembered Composer and thought I’d give it a shot but alas…beta is beta!


Hey mroberti,

The folder has to be called “assets”. It’s a limitation that will be changed.

If your folder is called like that and you still experience issues, the best bet we would have in helping you would be for you to post a small project for us to test on via the bug tracking system.



Yeah, had that folder in there already; still doesn’t work. No worries. I made my own level creation tool, and there’s always Inkscape, but I remembered Composer and thought I’d give it a shot but alas…beta is beta!
