ATT popup appearance

Re: forum posting from Vlads here:

“All plugins updated after September I put ATT in them. You don’t need ATT plugin for most of the plugins anymore, since it is built in and would ask consent when network.init() is called.”

I call init on AdMob, Unity and AppLovin. I set test modes to true on all three.

How can I check the behaviour of the ATT popup?
Surely the popup doesn’t appear 3 times, once for each ad provider?

I’ve seen this in the docs:
SKAdNetworkIdentifier = “cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork” but don’t know what it means.
I also don’t understand NSUserTrackingUsageDescription

Can you help?

Taking your questions in reverse order:

NS(Insert permission here)Description is where you provide the text that is displayed in the popup users are shown when you ask for a particular permission. For example, if your app needs access to the photo library, the first time the app tries to interact with the photo library, the user is shown a popup by iOS stating that the app is trying to access the photo library and do they want to allow that. Your NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription text will be part of that. “This lets you save your paper doll avatars to your camera roll.” (Or whatever.) NSUserTrackingUsageDescription works the same way. Here’s Apple’s page about it.

The SKAdNetworkIdentifier is how advertisers track installs under Apple’s new privacy system. They provide you with a list of the SKAdNetworkIdentifiers they use for attribution and if you don’t include it in your build.settings, they have now way of tracking attribution and are unlikely to serve you ads that track installs as a metric of success.

Your players will only get one ATT popup and then they will never be shown it again. (Assuming they don’t uninstall and then reinstall the app.) If they want to change the tracking permission they’ve given your app, the have to go into iOS’s settings. Essentially, whatever they choose when they first see the popup is what they’re going to have going forward.

You can check out the ATT popup in your app by uninstalling it from your phone and then reinstalling it.

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@colinmorgan - that’s absolutely terrific. I appreciate you posting that as it’s cleared up a lot. I’m not as regular with development on here as I used to be and some things have passed me by. Thanks again! :slight_smile: