Attack Vectors - WIP

In my occasional downtime from Glitch I routinely find myself working on little prototypes which end up just languishing on my computer, never finished, silently judging me.

It is because of this that I have decided it is time to actually develop something with the intention of releasing it, and I figured the best way to do this was to actually release it at version 0.0.1 and then slowly work on it and continue to release builds every friday.

The first one of these games is called, for now, Attack Vectors.

I’ve only released it on for now - - but will eventually release it on other platforms.

It’s also OSX only right now as I don’t have access to a Windows build machine.

The other reason for making this, other than simply to release something, is to develop and test my Puggle library. I’ll go into more detail about this at a later date.

I realise there is basically nothing to this game at present, but that’s sort of the point  :smiley:

Love it!

Thanks! It’s very much a work in progress and in that first build it’s pretty hard  :slight_smile:

New build coming this friday will hopefully make it a little bit more playable.

Love it!

Thanks! It’s very much a work in progress and in that first build it’s pretty hard  :slight_smile:

New build coming this friday will hopefully make it a little bit more playable.