Attempt to index upvalue 'map' (a nil value)



That’s the error I started getting. I’m not sure what changed to cause that - just painting my map with tiles.

This is usually a scope issue

If you could post your main.lua code that would be helpful. The terminal error itself doesn’t tell me much.

display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )

system.activate( “multitouch” )

display.setDefault( “magTextureFilter”, “nearest” )

display.setDefault( “minTextureFilter”, “nearest” )

–Load up MTE

local mte = require “MTE.mte”

local json = require “json” 

–Message Box–

local msgbox

msgbox = display.newText(“null”, 60, 130, native.systemFont, size)

msgbox:setTextColor(255, 0, 0)



msgbox.text = “crap”



–LOAD MAP ------------------------------------------------------------



mte.loadTileSet(“dungeon3DMap”, “tilesets/dungeon3DMap.png”)

mte.loadTileSet(“innerFlat”, “tilesets/innerFlat.png”)

mte.loadTileSet(“castle3DMap”, “tilesets/castle3DMap.png”)

mte.loadTileSet(“townFlat”, “tilesets/townFlat.png”)

mte.loadTileSet(“Stone”, “tilesets/Stone.png”)

mte.loadTileSet(“brickwall”, “tilesets/brickwall.png”) 

local startx = 49

local starty = 86


–mte.goto({ locX = startx, locY = starty, blockScaleX = 32, blockScaleY = 32})


–mte.goto({ locX = startx, locY = starty, blockScaleX = 32, blockScaleY = 32})


mte.goto({ locX = startx, locY = starty, blockScaleX = 32, blockScaleY = 32})

mte.zoom(1.4, 0, “inOutQuad”)

–mte.fadeMap(0.5, 1)

–SETUP D-PAD ------------------------------------------------------------

local controlGroup = display.newGroup()

local DpadBack = display.newImageRect(controlGroup, “images/dpad.png”, 128, 128)

DpadBack.isVisible = true

DpadBack.x = 80

DpadBack.y = display.viewableContentHeight - 65

local DpadUp = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x - 27, DpadBack.y - 64, 41, 41)

local DpadDown = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x - 27, DpadBack.y + 10, 41, 41)

local DpadLeft = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x - 64, DpadBack.y - 27, 41, 41)

local DpadRight = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x + 10, DpadBack.y - 27, 41, 41)


DpadUp.alpha = 0

DpadUp.isHitTestable = true

DpadDown.alpha = 0

DpadDown.isHitTestable = true

DpadLeft.alpha = 0

DpadLeft.isHitTestable = true

DpadRight.alpha = 0

DpadRight.isHitTestable = true

–HIDE LEVELS ------------------------------------------------------------

local layers = mte.getLayers()

local layerObjects = mte.getLayerObj()

for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

    if not layers[i].properties.objectLayer then


    if layers[i].properties.level > 2 then

        mte.fadeLayer(i, 0, 0)



local tempS = layers[#layers].properties.scale

local tempM = (1 / 0.85) / tempS

–CREATE PLAYER SPRITE ------------------------------------------------------------

local spriteSheet = graphics.newImageSheet(“spriteSheet.png”, {width = 32, height = 32, numFrames = 96})

local spriteSheetmaiden = graphics.newImageSheet(“images/player-maiden.png”, {width = 32, height = 32, numFrames = 48})

local sequenceData = {

        {name = “stand-down”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {9}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “stand-up”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {12}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “stand-right”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {10}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “stand-left”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {11}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “down”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {17,18,19,20,21,22}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “up”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {41,42,43,44,45,46}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “left”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {33,34,35,36,37,38}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “right”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {25,26,27,28,29,30}, time = 400, loopCount = 0}


local player = display.newSprite(spriteSheetmaiden, sequenceData)

local setup = {

        kind = “sprite”, 

        layer =  mte.getSpriteLayer(1), 

        locX = startx, 

        locY = starty,

        levelWidth = 32,

        levelHeight = 32,

        offsetY = 0


mte.addSprite(player, setup)


–CREATE 2D POSITION AND MOVEMENT VARIABLES --------------------------------------------

local mod = 30 / display.fps

local accx = 0

local accy = 0

local velX = 0

local velY = 0

local maxVelX = 5 * mod

local maxVelY = 5 * mod

local gravity = 0

local friction = 1.5 * mod * mod

–CREATE COLLISION DETECTION COORDINATES -----------------------------------------------


    In this sample the player is a rectangle 32 pixels across and 32 pixels wide with an

offset of -16 in the Y direction. 

The origin of a sprite is it’s center, but in this case, due to the -16 pixel offset, the

origin of the sprite as reckoned by MTE is 16 pixels from the bottom of the sprite, or

the center of the lower tile in the stack.

    To detect platforms and obstacles around the player we must define points around the

player to be checked by our code. There are many ways to do this, but in this example the

points are defined in relation to the player sprite. The top1 and top2 points are along

the top of the player sprite. The sprite is 32 pixels high and the origin is 16 pixels from

it’s bottom, so the top is -16 pixels from the origin. The rest of the points are defined

in the same manner.


local offsets = {top1 = {-12, -16},

                top2 = {12, -16},

                bottom1 = {0, 16},

                bottom2 = {12, 16},

                left1 = {-12, 0},

                left2 = {-12, 0},

                right1 = {12, 0},

                right2 = {12, 0}



    These are variables for storing the true coordinates of the collision detection 

points in relation to the level rather than the player sprite. These values are 

calculated by the detectObstacle function below, which is called in an enterFrame.


local sensors = {top1 = {},

                top2 = {},

                bottom1 = {},

                bottom2 = {},

                left1 = {},

                left2 = {},

                right1 = {},

                right2 = {}


local detect = {}

–OBSTACLE DETECTION FUNCTION-----------------------------------------------------------

local detectObstacle = function()    


    local playerPosX = player.getLevelPosX() + velX

    local playerPosY = player.getLevelPosY() + velY

    sensors.top1[1], sensors.top1[2] = playerPosX + offsets.top1[1], playerPosY + offsets.top1[2]

    sensors.top2[1], sensors.top2[2] = playerPosX + offsets.top2[1], playerPosY + offsets.top2[2]

    sensors.bottom1[1], sensors.bottom1[2] = playerPosX + offsets.bottom1[1], playerPosY + offsets.bottom1[2]

    sensors.bottom2[1], sensors.bottom2[2] = playerPosX + offsets.bottom2[1], playerPosY + offsets.bottom2[2]

    sensors.left1[1], sensors.left1[2] = playerPosX + offsets.left1[1], playerPosY + offsets.left1[2]

    sensors.left2[1], sensors.left2[2] = playerPosX + offsets.left2[1], playerPosY + offsets.left2[2]

    sensors.right1[1], sensors.right1[2] = playerPosX + offsets.right1[1], playerPosY + offsets.right1[2]

    sensors.right2[1], sensors.right2[2] = playerPosX + offsets.right2[1], playerPosY + offsets.right2[2]



    detect.top1 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.top1[1], levelPosY = sensors.top1[2], layer = 4})

    detect.top2 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.top2[1], levelPosY = sensors.top2[2], layer = 4})

    detect.bottom1 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.bottom1[1], levelPosY = sensors.bottom1[2], layer = 4})

    detect.bottom2 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.bottom2[1], levelPosY = sensors.bottom2[2], layer = 4})

    detect.left1 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.left1[1], levelPosY = sensors.left1[2], layer = 4})

    detect.left2 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.left2[1], levelPosY = sensors.left2[2], layer = 4})

    detect.right1 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.right1[1], levelPosY = sensors.right1[2], layer = 4})

    detect.right2 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.right2[1], levelPosY = sensors.right2[2], layer = 4}) 


–MOVEMENT TOUCH EVENT ------------------------------------------------------------------


    Our Dpad event does not directly move the player sprite or even set it’s velocity.

Instead we set the acceleration along the X axis. Our enterframe loop will then 

increment the velocity along the X axis by this acceleration every frame.


local moveup = function(event)

    player:setSequence( “up” )


    if event.phase == “began” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, = true


    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then


        accy = -0.5 * mod * mod    


    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, nil ) = false

        accy = 0



    return true


local movedown = function(event)

    player:setSequence( “down” )

    if event.phase == “began” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, = true


    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then


        accy = 0.5 * mod * mod    


    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, nil ) = false

        accy = 0



    return true


local moveright = function(event)


    player:setSequence( “right” )


    if event.phase == “began” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, = true


    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then


        accx = 0.5 * mod * mod    


    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, nil ) = false

        accx = 0


        player:setSequence( “stand-right” )


    return true


local moveleft = function(event)

    player:setSequence( “left” )

    if event.phase == “began” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, = true


    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then


        accx = -0.5 * mod * mod    


    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, nil ) = false

        accx = 0



    return true


–[[ before split into 4

local move = function(event)

    if event.phase == “began” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, = true



    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then

        if event.x < then

            acc = -0.5 * mod * mod


        if event.x > then

            acc = 0.5 * mod * mod



    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then

        if event.y < then

            acc = -0.5 * mod * mod


        if event.y > then

            acc = 0.5 * mod * mod



    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, nil ) = false

        acc = 0


    return true



DpadUp:addEventListener(“touch”, moveup)

DpadDown:addEventListener(“touch”, movedown)

DpadLeft:addEventListener(“touch”, moveleft)

DpadRight:addEventListener(“touch”, moveright)


local function gameLoop( event )

    if not player.isMoving then



        local objects = mte.getObject({level = player.level, locX = player.locX, locY = player.locY})

        if objects then

            for key,value in pairs(objects[1].properties) do

                if key == “change level” then

                    mte.changeSpriteLayer(player, mte.getSpriteLayer(tonumber(value)))


                    --mte.zoom(1 / (tempM * layers[player.layer].properties.scale), moveTime, “inOutQuad”)


                if key == “show level” then

                    local layerObjects = mte.getLayerObj()

                    local layers = mte.getLayers()

                    if value == “above” then

                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level > player.level then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 1, moveTime)



                    elseif value == “below” then

                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level < player.level then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 1, moveTime)




                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level == tonumber(value) then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 1, moveTime)





                if key == “hide level” then

                    local layerObjects = mte.getLayerObj()

                    local layers = mte.getLayers()

                    if value == “above” then

                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level > player.level then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 0, moveTime)



                    elseif value == “below” then

                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level < player.level then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 0, moveTime)




                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level == tonumber(value) then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 0, moveTime)





                local locX, locY, time = player.locX, player.locY, 250

                if key == “move to locX” then

                    if value == “random” then

                        locX = player.locX + math.random(1, 3) - 2


                        locX = tonumber(value)



                if key == “move to locY” then

                    if value == “random” then

                        locY = player.locY + math.random(1, 3) - 2


                        locY = tonumber(value)



                if math.abs(locX - player.locX) > 3 or math.abs(locY - player.locY) > 3 then

                    time = 500


                if locX ~= player.locX or locY ~= player.locY then

                    mte.moveSpriteTo({sprite = player, locX = locX, locY = locY, time = time, easing = “inOutQuad”})











DpadUp:addEventListener(“touch”, move)

DpadDown:addEventListener(“touch”, move)

DpadLeft:addEventListener(“touch”, move)

DpadRight:addEventListener(“touch”, move)

Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, gameLoop)



local screenTouch = function(event)

    if event.phase ~= “ended” then


        local layer = 5


        msgbox.text = “in LISTEN FOR TOUCH TO MOVE PLAYER”



        local screenPosToLevelPos = mte.convert(“screenPosToLevelPos”, event.x, event.y, layer)

        local screenPosToLoc = mte.convert(“screenPosToLoc”, event.x, event.y, layer)

        local screenPosToGrid = mte.convert(“screenPosToGrid”, event.x, event.y, layer)


        local gridToScreenPos = mte.convert(“gridToScreenPos”, screenPosToGrid.x, screenPosToGrid.y, layer)

        local gridToLoc = mte.convert(“gridToLoc”, screenPosToGrid.x, screenPosToGrid.y, layer)

        local gridToLevelPos = mte.convert(“gridToLevelPos”, screenPosToGrid.x, screenPosToGrid.y, layer)


        local locToScreenPos = mte.convert(“locToScreenPos”, screenPosToLoc.x, screenPosToLoc.y, layer)

        local locToLevelPos = mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, screenPosToLoc.x, screenPosToLoc.y, layer)

        local locToGrid = mte.convert(“locToGrid”, screenPosToLoc.x, screenPosToLoc.y, layer)


        local levelPosToScreenPos = mte.convert(“levelPosToScreenPos”, screenPosToLevelPos.x, screenPosToLevelPos.y, layer)

        local levelPosToLoc = mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, locToLevelPos.x, locToLevelPos.y, layer)

        local levelPosToGrid = mte.convert(“levelPosToGrid”, screenPosToLevelPos.x, screenPosToLevelPos.y, layer)


        --mte.moveSpriteTo({player, locX = gridToLoc.x, locY = gridToLoc.y, time = 30, easing = “inOutExpo” }) 


        print("Screen Position (click event): “…event.x…” "…event.y)

        print("Screen Position (grid): “…gridToScreenPos.x…” "…gridToScreenPos.y)

        print("Screen Position (location): “…locToScreenPos.x…” "…locToScreenPos.y)

        print("Screen Position (level position): “…levelPosToScreenPos.x…” "…levelPosToScreenPos.y)

        print(" ")

        print("Level Position (screen position): “…screenPosToLevelPos.x…” "…screenPosToLevelPos.y)

        print("Level Position (grid): “…gridToLevelPos.x…” "…gridToLevelPos.y)

        print("Level Position (location): “…locToLevelPos.x…” "…locToLevelPos.y)

        print(" ")

        print("Location (screen position): “…screenPosToLoc.x…” "…screenPosToLoc.y)

        print("Location (grid): “…gridToLoc.x…” "…gridToLoc.y)

        print("Location (level position): “…levelPosToLoc.x…” "…levelPosToLoc.y)

        print(" ")

        print("Grid (screenPosition): “…screenPosToGrid.x…” "…screenPosToGrid.y)

        print("Grid (location): “…locToGrid.x…” "…locToGrid.y)

        print("Grid (level position): “…levelPosToGrid.x…” "…levelPosToGrid.y)

        print(" ")






Runtime:addEventListener(“touch”, screenTouch)



local tempVelY

local tempVelX

local gameLoop = function(event)





        This is where the accelerations we created are applied to the player’s velocity.

    It is important to constrain the velocity to a value lower than the dimensions of our

    tiles in level coordinates, otherwise the sprite could pass through a tile in a single

    frame without detecting it.


    velX = velX + accx

    if velX > maxVelX then



        velX = maxVelX

    elseif velX < maxVelX * -1 then

        velX = maxVelX * -1



    velY = velY + accy

    if velY > maxVelY then

        velY = maxVelY

    elseif velY < maxVelY * -1 then

        velY = maxVelY * -1




        Friction is similar to gravity, however it acts along the X axis and always

    acts opposite to the player’s direction of motion. We only apply friction when

    acceleration = 0 in this sample project because the acceleration applied by our

    Dpad movement function is always stronger than the friction opposing it.


    if accx == 0 then

        if velX >= friction then

            velX = velX - friction

        elseif velX > 0 and velX < friction then

            velX = 0


        if velX <= friction * -1 then

            velX = velX - friction * -1

        elseif velX < 0 and velX > friction * -1 then

            velX = 0



    if accy == 0 then

        if velY >= friction then

            velY = velY - friction

        elseif velY > 0 and velY < friction then

            velY = 0


        if velY <= friction * -1 then

            velY = velY - friction * -1

        elseif velY < 0 and velY > friction * -1 then

            velY = 0





        Calling detectObstacle() fills out our sensor array with the true level coordinates

    of the collision detection points we defined. It then checks to see if tiles exist

    at any of those points and fills the detect array with their properties.





        We create temporary velocity variables so that we can perform operations on the

    velocity for each of the collision detection routines without losing the original

    velocity value. 


    tempVelY = velY

    tempVelX = velX




        This code section checks to see if the tiles detected by detectObstacle() have 

    any properties and if one of those properties is named “solid.” The value stored in

    the solid property is irrelevant in this sample project: the existence of the property 

    determines whether a tile is considered solid.

        loc1X and loc1Y are the locations of the tile, computed with an MTE convert

    function. These values are then fed into a second convert call to find the level

    coordinates of the tile: pos1X, pos1Y. We now know the coordinates of the player

    sprite’s sensors and the coordinates of the tile. With this information we compute

    how much velocity would be necessary to move the player sprite to the surface of the

    tile without ending up inside of it.

        For example, say the player sprite is ten pixels above a solid tile and it is moving 

    down with a velocity of 20. The detectObstacle() function would detect that the sensor 

    point is inside a solid tile (sensors are computed as the player position + the collision

    point’s offset + the player’s velocity). We would then find the level coordinates of the tile.

    With a simple calculation we see that in order for the player to land on top of the tile

    rather than inside it, the sprite’s velocity must be 10, not 20. So we set the

    velocity to ten. The result is that the player lands on the tile. To the naked eye this

    sudden deceleration from 20 to 10 is unnoticeable.


    and “CHECK FOR RIGHT WALL COLLISION,” work in much the same way.


    if detect.bottom1 and detect.bottom1.solid 

    or detect.bottom2 and detect.bottom2.solid then

        local loc1X, loc1Y = mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, sensors.bottom1[1]), mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, nil, sensors.bottom1[2])

        local pos1X, pos1Y = mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, loc1X) - mte.worldScaleX * 0.5, mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, nil, loc1Y) - mte.worldScaleY * 0.5

        if velY > 0 then

            tempVelY = velY + (pos1Y - sensors.bottom1[2])

            velY = 0




    if detect.top1 and detect.top1.solid 

    or detect.top2 and detect.top2.solid then

        local loc1X, loc1Y = mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, sensors.top1[1]), mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, nil, sensors.top1[2])

        local pos1X, pos1Y = mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, loc1X) - mte.worldScaleX * 0.5, mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, nil, loc1Y) - mte.worldScaleY * 0.5    

        if velY < 0 then

            tempVelY = velY + (pos1Y - sensors.top1[2] + mte.worldScaleY)

            velY = 0




    if detect.left1 and detect.left1.solid 

    or detect.left2 and detect.left2.solid then

        local loc1X, loc1Y = mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, sensors.left1[1]), mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, nil, sensors.left1[2])

        local pos1X, pos1Y = mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, loc1X) - mte.worldScaleX * 0.5, mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, nil, loc1Y) - mte.worldScaleY * 0.5

        if velX < 0 then

            tempVelX = velX + (pos1X - sensors.left1[1] + mte.worldScaleX)

            velX = 0




    if detect.right1 and detect.right1.solid

    or detect.right2 and detect.right2.solid then

        local loc1X, loc1Y = mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, sensors.right1[1]), mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, nil, sensors.right1[2])

        local pos1X, pos1Y = mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, loc1X) - mte.worldScaleX * 0.5, mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, nil, loc1Y) - mte.worldScaleY * 0.5

        if velX > 0 then

            tempVelX = velX + (pos1X - sensors.right1[1])

            velX = 0




    mte.moveSprite(player, tempVelX, tempVelY)    




–jumpBtn:addEventListener(“touch”, jump)

Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, gameLoop)

It would seem that your map is not loading correctly. What does the terminal output before you encounter this runtime error?

2013-08-01 22:23:24.000 Corona Simulator[4322:f03]     Version: 2.0.0

2013-08-01 22:23:24.001 Corona Simulator[4322:f03]     Build: 2013.1076

2013-08-01 22:23:24.018 Corona Simulator[4322:f03] The file sandbox for this project is located at the following folder:

    (/Users/steve/Library/Application Support/Corona Simulator/Raiders - movement-4C2F1EC2377AAC0088E1836067CD45C5)

2013-08-01 22:23:24.022 Corona Simulator[4322:f03] WARNING: Simulator does not support multitouch events

2013-08-01 22:23:24.030 Corona Simulator[4322:f03] WARNING: Invalid fontSize(0) supplied. Using system standard size(13).

2013-08-01 22:23:24.030 Corona Simulator[4322:f03] map/castle2.json loaded

2013-08-01 22:23:24.030 Corona Simulator[4322:f03] Runtime error

…/!!IPAD GAMES/raiders/Raiders - movement/MTE/mte.lua:3119: attempt to index upvalue ‘map’ (a nil value)

stack traceback:

    [C]: ?

    …/!!IPAD GAMES/raiders/Raiders - movement/MTE/mte.lua:3119: in function ‘loadMap’

    …ome/!!IPAD GAMES/raiders/Raiders - movement/main.lua:37: in main chunk

Well, that wasn’t nearly as telling as I would have hoped. If you email your project to me I’ll take a look at it and get to the bottom of the problem. I’ve PM’ed you with my email address in case you don’t have it.

I run into this sometimes and just revert to a previous change and step through the code but never find anything conclusive.  Usually I don’t run into it again.  Was curious if this was ever resolved?

In this particular case the map file had the .json extension but contained XML formatted data, which MTE does not currently read.

It all makes sense.  I’ve been guilty of this from time to time  :lol:. 

This is usually a scope issue

If you could post your main.lua code that would be helpful. The terminal error itself doesn’t tell me much.

display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )

system.activate( “multitouch” )

display.setDefault( “magTextureFilter”, “nearest” )

display.setDefault( “minTextureFilter”, “nearest” )

–Load up MTE

local mte = require “MTE.mte”

local json = require “json” 

–Message Box–

local msgbox

msgbox = display.newText(“null”, 60, 130, native.systemFont, size)

msgbox:setTextColor(255, 0, 0)



msgbox.text = “crap”



–LOAD MAP ------------------------------------------------------------



mte.loadTileSet(“dungeon3DMap”, “tilesets/dungeon3DMap.png”)

mte.loadTileSet(“innerFlat”, “tilesets/innerFlat.png”)

mte.loadTileSet(“castle3DMap”, “tilesets/castle3DMap.png”)

mte.loadTileSet(“townFlat”, “tilesets/townFlat.png”)

mte.loadTileSet(“Stone”, “tilesets/Stone.png”)

mte.loadTileSet(“brickwall”, “tilesets/brickwall.png”) 

local startx = 49

local starty = 86


–mte.goto({ locX = startx, locY = starty, blockScaleX = 32, blockScaleY = 32})


–mte.goto({ locX = startx, locY = starty, blockScaleX = 32, blockScaleY = 32})


mte.goto({ locX = startx, locY = starty, blockScaleX = 32, blockScaleY = 32})

mte.zoom(1.4, 0, “inOutQuad”)

–mte.fadeMap(0.5, 1)

–SETUP D-PAD ------------------------------------------------------------

local controlGroup = display.newGroup()

local DpadBack = display.newImageRect(controlGroup, “images/dpad.png”, 128, 128)

DpadBack.isVisible = true

DpadBack.x = 80

DpadBack.y = display.viewableContentHeight - 65

local DpadUp = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x - 27, DpadBack.y - 64, 41, 41)

local DpadDown = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x - 27, DpadBack.y + 10, 41, 41)

local DpadLeft = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x - 64, DpadBack.y - 27, 41, 41)

local DpadRight = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x + 10, DpadBack.y - 27, 41, 41)


DpadUp.alpha = 0

DpadUp.isHitTestable = true

DpadDown.alpha = 0

DpadDown.isHitTestable = true

DpadLeft.alpha = 0

DpadLeft.isHitTestable = true

DpadRight.alpha = 0

DpadRight.isHitTestable = true

–HIDE LEVELS ------------------------------------------------------------

local layers = mte.getLayers()

local layerObjects = mte.getLayerObj()

for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

    if not layers[i].properties.objectLayer then


    if layers[i].properties.level > 2 then

        mte.fadeLayer(i, 0, 0)



local tempS = layers[#layers].properties.scale

local tempM = (1 / 0.85) / tempS

–CREATE PLAYER SPRITE ------------------------------------------------------------

local spriteSheet = graphics.newImageSheet(“spriteSheet.png”, {width = 32, height = 32, numFrames = 96})

local spriteSheetmaiden = graphics.newImageSheet(“images/player-maiden.png”, {width = 32, height = 32, numFrames = 48})

local sequenceData = {

        {name = “stand-down”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {9}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “stand-up”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {12}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “stand-right”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {10}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “stand-left”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {11}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “down”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {17,18,19,20,21,22}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “up”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {41,42,43,44,45,46}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “left”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {33,34,35,36,37,38}, time = 400, loopCount = 0},

        {name = “right”, sheet = spriteSheetmaiden, frames = {25,26,27,28,29,30}, time = 400, loopCount = 0}


local player = display.newSprite(spriteSheetmaiden, sequenceData)

local setup = {

        kind = “sprite”, 

        layer =  mte.getSpriteLayer(1), 

        locX = startx, 

        locY = starty,

        levelWidth = 32,

        levelHeight = 32,

        offsetY = 0


mte.addSprite(player, setup)


–CREATE 2D POSITION AND MOVEMENT VARIABLES --------------------------------------------

local mod = 30 / display.fps

local accx = 0

local accy = 0

local velX = 0

local velY = 0

local maxVelX = 5 * mod

local maxVelY = 5 * mod

local gravity = 0

local friction = 1.5 * mod * mod

–CREATE COLLISION DETECTION COORDINATES -----------------------------------------------


    In this sample the player is a rectangle 32 pixels across and 32 pixels wide with an

offset of -16 in the Y direction. 

The origin of a sprite is it’s center, but in this case, due to the -16 pixel offset, the

origin of the sprite as reckoned by MTE is 16 pixels from the bottom of the sprite, or

the center of the lower tile in the stack.

    To detect platforms and obstacles around the player we must define points around the

player to be checked by our code. There are many ways to do this, but in this example the

points are defined in relation to the player sprite. The top1 and top2 points are along

the top of the player sprite. The sprite is 32 pixels high and the origin is 16 pixels from

it’s bottom, so the top is -16 pixels from the origin. The rest of the points are defined

in the same manner.


local offsets = {top1 = {-12, -16},

                top2 = {12, -16},

                bottom1 = {0, 16},

                bottom2 = {12, 16},

                left1 = {-12, 0},

                left2 = {-12, 0},

                right1 = {12, 0},

                right2 = {12, 0}



    These are variables for storing the true coordinates of the collision detection 

points in relation to the level rather than the player sprite. These values are 

calculated by the detectObstacle function below, which is called in an enterFrame.


local sensors = {top1 = {},

                top2 = {},

                bottom1 = {},

                bottom2 = {},

                left1 = {},

                left2 = {},

                right1 = {},

                right2 = {}


local detect = {}

–OBSTACLE DETECTION FUNCTION-----------------------------------------------------------

local detectObstacle = function()    


    local playerPosX = player.getLevelPosX() + velX

    local playerPosY = player.getLevelPosY() + velY

    sensors.top1[1], sensors.top1[2] = playerPosX + offsets.top1[1], playerPosY + offsets.top1[2]

    sensors.top2[1], sensors.top2[2] = playerPosX + offsets.top2[1], playerPosY + offsets.top2[2]

    sensors.bottom1[1], sensors.bottom1[2] = playerPosX + offsets.bottom1[1], playerPosY + offsets.bottom1[2]

    sensors.bottom2[1], sensors.bottom2[2] = playerPosX + offsets.bottom2[1], playerPosY + offsets.bottom2[2]

    sensors.left1[1], sensors.left1[2] = playerPosX + offsets.left1[1], playerPosY + offsets.left1[2]

    sensors.left2[1], sensors.left2[2] = playerPosX + offsets.left2[1], playerPosY + offsets.left2[2]

    sensors.right1[1], sensors.right1[2] = playerPosX + offsets.right1[1], playerPosY + offsets.right1[2]

    sensors.right2[1], sensors.right2[2] = playerPosX + offsets.right2[1], playerPosY + offsets.right2[2]



    detect.top1 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.top1[1], levelPosY = sensors.top1[2], layer = 4})

    detect.top2 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.top2[1], levelPosY = sensors.top2[2], layer = 4})

    detect.bottom1 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.bottom1[1], levelPosY = sensors.bottom1[2], layer = 4})

    detect.bottom2 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.bottom2[1], levelPosY = sensors.bottom2[2], layer = 4})

    detect.left1 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.left1[1], levelPosY = sensors.left1[2], layer = 4})

    detect.left2 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.left2[1], levelPosY = sensors.left2[2], layer = 4})

    detect.right1 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.right1[1], levelPosY = sensors.right1[2], layer = 4})

    detect.right2 = mte.getTileProperties({levelPosX = sensors.right2[1], levelPosY = sensors.right2[2], layer = 4}) 


–MOVEMENT TOUCH EVENT ------------------------------------------------------------------


    Our Dpad event does not directly move the player sprite or even set it’s velocity.

Instead we set the acceleration along the X axis. Our enterframe loop will then 

increment the velocity along the X axis by this acceleration every frame.


local moveup = function(event)

    player:setSequence( “up” )


    if event.phase == “began” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, = true


    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then


        accy = -0.5 * mod * mod    


    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, nil ) = false

        accy = 0



    return true


local movedown = function(event)

    player:setSequence( “down” )

    if event.phase == “began” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, = true


    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then


        accy = 0.5 * mod * mod    


    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, nil ) = false

        accy = 0



    return true


local moveright = function(event)


    player:setSequence( “right” )


    if event.phase == “began” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, = true


    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then


        accx = 0.5 * mod * mod    


    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, nil ) = false

        accx = 0


        player:setSequence( “stand-right” )


    return true


local moveleft = function(event)

    player:setSequence( “left” )

    if event.phase == “began” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, = true


    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then


        accx = -0.5 * mod * mod    


    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, nil ) = false

        accx = 0



    return true


–[[ before split into 4

local move = function(event)

    if event.phase == “began” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, = true



    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then

        if event.x < then

            acc = -0.5 * mod * mod


        if event.x > then

            acc = 0.5 * mod * mod



    if event.phase == “began” or event.phase == “moved” then

        if event.y < then

            acc = -0.5 * mod * mod


        if event.y > then

            acc = 0.5 * mod * mod



    if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then

        display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(, nil ) = false

        acc = 0


    return true



DpadUp:addEventListener(“touch”, moveup)

DpadDown:addEventListener(“touch”, movedown)

DpadLeft:addEventListener(“touch”, moveleft)

DpadRight:addEventListener(“touch”, moveright)


local function gameLoop( event )

    if not player.isMoving then



        local objects = mte.getObject({level = player.level, locX = player.locX, locY = player.locY})

        if objects then

            for key,value in pairs(objects[1].properties) do

                if key == “change level” then

                    mte.changeSpriteLayer(player, mte.getSpriteLayer(tonumber(value)))


                    --mte.zoom(1 / (tempM * layers[player.layer].properties.scale), moveTime, “inOutQuad”)


                if key == “show level” then

                    local layerObjects = mte.getLayerObj()

                    local layers = mte.getLayers()

                    if value == “above” then

                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level > player.level then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 1, moveTime)



                    elseif value == “below” then

                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level < player.level then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 1, moveTime)




                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level == tonumber(value) then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 1, moveTime)





                if key == “hide level” then

                    local layerObjects = mte.getLayerObj()

                    local layers = mte.getLayers()

                    if value == “above” then

                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level > player.level then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 0, moveTime)



                    elseif value == “below” then

                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level < player.level then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 0, moveTime)




                        for i = 1, #layers, 1 do

                            if layers[i].properties.level == tonumber(value) then

                                mte.fadeLayer(i, 0, moveTime)





                local locX, locY, time = player.locX, player.locY, 250

                if key == “move to locX” then

                    if value == “random” then

                        locX = player.locX + math.random(1, 3) - 2


                        locX = tonumber(value)



                if key == “move to locY” then

                    if value == “random” then

                        locY = player.locY + math.random(1, 3) - 2


                        locY = tonumber(value)



                if math.abs(locX - player.locX) > 3 or math.abs(locY - player.locY) > 3 then

                    time = 500


                if locX ~= player.locX or locY ~= player.locY then

                    mte.moveSpriteTo({sprite = player, locX = locX, locY = locY, time = time, easing = “inOutQuad”})











DpadUp:addEventListener(“touch”, move)

DpadDown:addEventListener(“touch”, move)

DpadLeft:addEventListener(“touch”, move)

DpadRight:addEventListener(“touch”, move)

Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, gameLoop)



local screenTouch = function(event)

    if event.phase ~= “ended” then


        local layer = 5


        msgbox.text = “in LISTEN FOR TOUCH TO MOVE PLAYER”



        local screenPosToLevelPos = mte.convert(“screenPosToLevelPos”, event.x, event.y, layer)

        local screenPosToLoc = mte.convert(“screenPosToLoc”, event.x, event.y, layer)

        local screenPosToGrid = mte.convert(“screenPosToGrid”, event.x, event.y, layer)


        local gridToScreenPos = mte.convert(“gridToScreenPos”, screenPosToGrid.x, screenPosToGrid.y, layer)

        local gridToLoc = mte.convert(“gridToLoc”, screenPosToGrid.x, screenPosToGrid.y, layer)

        local gridToLevelPos = mte.convert(“gridToLevelPos”, screenPosToGrid.x, screenPosToGrid.y, layer)


        local locToScreenPos = mte.convert(“locToScreenPos”, screenPosToLoc.x, screenPosToLoc.y, layer)

        local locToLevelPos = mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, screenPosToLoc.x, screenPosToLoc.y, layer)

        local locToGrid = mte.convert(“locToGrid”, screenPosToLoc.x, screenPosToLoc.y, layer)


        local levelPosToScreenPos = mte.convert(“levelPosToScreenPos”, screenPosToLevelPos.x, screenPosToLevelPos.y, layer)

        local levelPosToLoc = mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, locToLevelPos.x, locToLevelPos.y, layer)

        local levelPosToGrid = mte.convert(“levelPosToGrid”, screenPosToLevelPos.x, screenPosToLevelPos.y, layer)


        --mte.moveSpriteTo({player, locX = gridToLoc.x, locY = gridToLoc.y, time = 30, easing = “inOutExpo” }) 


        print("Screen Position (click event): “…event.x…” "…event.y)

        print("Screen Position (grid): “…gridToScreenPos.x…” "…gridToScreenPos.y)

        print("Screen Position (location): “…locToScreenPos.x…” "…locToScreenPos.y)

        print("Screen Position (level position): “…levelPosToScreenPos.x…” "…levelPosToScreenPos.y)

        print(" ")

        print("Level Position (screen position): “…screenPosToLevelPos.x…” "…screenPosToLevelPos.y)

        print("Level Position (grid): “…gridToLevelPos.x…” "…gridToLevelPos.y)

        print("Level Position (location): “…locToLevelPos.x…” "…locToLevelPos.y)

        print(" ")

        print("Location (screen position): “…screenPosToLoc.x…” "…screenPosToLoc.y)

        print("Location (grid): “…gridToLoc.x…” "…gridToLoc.y)

        print("Location (level position): “…levelPosToLoc.x…” "…levelPosToLoc.y)

        print(" ")

        print("Grid (screenPosition): “…screenPosToGrid.x…” "…screenPosToGrid.y)

        print("Grid (location): “…locToGrid.x…” "…locToGrid.y)

        print("Grid (level position): “…levelPosToGrid.x…” "…levelPosToGrid.y)

        print(" ")






Runtime:addEventListener(“touch”, screenTouch)



local tempVelY

local tempVelX

local gameLoop = function(event)





        This is where the accelerations we created are applied to the player’s velocity.

    It is important to constrain the velocity to a value lower than the dimensions of our

    tiles in level coordinates, otherwise the sprite could pass through a tile in a single

    frame without detecting it.


    velX = velX + accx

    if velX > maxVelX then



        velX = maxVelX

    elseif velX < maxVelX * -1 then

        velX = maxVelX * -1



    velY = velY + accy

    if velY > maxVelY then

        velY = maxVelY

    elseif velY < maxVelY * -1 then

        velY = maxVelY * -1




        Friction is similar to gravity, however it acts along the X axis and always

    acts opposite to the player’s direction of motion. We only apply friction when

    acceleration = 0 in this sample project because the acceleration applied by our

    Dpad movement function is always stronger than the friction opposing it.


    if accx == 0 then

        if velX >= friction then

            velX = velX - friction

        elseif velX > 0 and velX < friction then

            velX = 0


        if velX <= friction * -1 then

            velX = velX - friction * -1

        elseif velX < 0 and velX > friction * -1 then

            velX = 0



    if accy == 0 then

        if velY >= friction then

            velY = velY - friction

        elseif velY > 0 and velY < friction then

            velY = 0


        if velY <= friction * -1 then

            velY = velY - friction * -1

        elseif velY < 0 and velY > friction * -1 then

            velY = 0





        Calling detectObstacle() fills out our sensor array with the true level coordinates

    of the collision detection points we defined. It then checks to see if tiles exist

    at any of those points and fills the detect array with their properties.





        We create temporary velocity variables so that we can perform operations on the

    velocity for each of the collision detection routines without losing the original

    velocity value. 


    tempVelY = velY

    tempVelX = velX




        This code section checks to see if the tiles detected by detectObstacle() have 

    any properties and if one of those properties is named “solid.” The value stored in

    the solid property is irrelevant in this sample project: the existence of the property 

    determines whether a tile is considered solid.

        loc1X and loc1Y are the locations of the tile, computed with an MTE convert

    function. These values are then fed into a second convert call to find the level

    coordinates of the tile: pos1X, pos1Y. We now know the coordinates of the player

    sprite’s sensors and the coordinates of the tile. With this information we compute

    how much velocity would be necessary to move the player sprite to the surface of the

    tile without ending up inside of it.

        For example, say the player sprite is ten pixels above a solid tile and it is moving 

    down with a velocity of 20. The detectObstacle() function would detect that the sensor 

    point is inside a solid tile (sensors are computed as the player position + the collision

    point’s offset + the player’s velocity). We would then find the level coordinates of the tile.

    With a simple calculation we see that in order for the player to land on top of the tile

    rather than inside it, the sprite’s velocity must be 10, not 20. So we set the

    velocity to ten. The result is that the player lands on the tile. To the naked eye this

    sudden deceleration from 20 to 10 is unnoticeable.


    and “CHECK FOR RIGHT WALL COLLISION,” work in much the same way.


    if detect.bottom1 and detect.bottom1.solid 

    or detect.bottom2 and detect.bottom2.solid then

        local loc1X, loc1Y = mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, sensors.bottom1[1]), mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, nil, sensors.bottom1[2])

        local pos1X, pos1Y = mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, loc1X) - mte.worldScaleX * 0.5, mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, nil, loc1Y) - mte.worldScaleY * 0.5

        if velY > 0 then

            tempVelY = velY + (pos1Y - sensors.bottom1[2])

            velY = 0




    if detect.top1 and detect.top1.solid 

    or detect.top2 and detect.top2.solid then

        local loc1X, loc1Y = mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, sensors.top1[1]), mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, nil, sensors.top1[2])

        local pos1X, pos1Y = mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, loc1X) - mte.worldScaleX * 0.5, mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, nil, loc1Y) - mte.worldScaleY * 0.5    

        if velY < 0 then

            tempVelY = velY + (pos1Y - sensors.top1[2] + mte.worldScaleY)

            velY = 0




    if detect.left1 and detect.left1.solid 

    or detect.left2 and detect.left2.solid then

        local loc1X, loc1Y = mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, sensors.left1[1]), mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, nil, sensors.left1[2])

        local pos1X, pos1Y = mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, loc1X) - mte.worldScaleX * 0.5, mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, nil, loc1Y) - mte.worldScaleY * 0.5

        if velX < 0 then

            tempVelX = velX + (pos1X - sensors.left1[1] + mte.worldScaleX)

            velX = 0




    if detect.right1 and detect.right1.solid

    or detect.right2 and detect.right2.solid then

        local loc1X, loc1Y = mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, sensors.right1[1]), mte.convert(“levelPosToLoc”, nil, sensors.right1[2])

        local pos1X, pos1Y = mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, loc1X) - mte.worldScaleX * 0.5, mte.convert(“locToLevelPos”, nil, loc1Y) - mte.worldScaleY * 0.5

        if velX > 0 then

            tempVelX = velX + (pos1X - sensors.right1[1])

            velX = 0




    mte.moveSprite(player, tempVelX, tempVelY)    




–jumpBtn:addEventListener(“touch”, jump)

Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, gameLoop)

It would seem that your map is not loading correctly. What does the terminal output before you encounter this runtime error?

2013-08-01 22:23:24.000 Corona Simulator[4322:f03]     Version: 2.0.0

2013-08-01 22:23:24.001 Corona Simulator[4322:f03]     Build: 2013.1076

2013-08-01 22:23:24.018 Corona Simulator[4322:f03] The file sandbox for this project is located at the following folder:

    (/Users/steve/Library/Application Support/Corona Simulator/Raiders - movement-4C2F1EC2377AAC0088E1836067CD45C5)

2013-08-01 22:23:24.022 Corona Simulator[4322:f03] WARNING: Simulator does not support multitouch events

2013-08-01 22:23:24.030 Corona Simulator[4322:f03] WARNING: Invalid fontSize(0) supplied. Using system standard size(13).

2013-08-01 22:23:24.030 Corona Simulator[4322:f03] map/castle2.json loaded

2013-08-01 22:23:24.030 Corona Simulator[4322:f03] Runtime error

…/!!IPAD GAMES/raiders/Raiders - movement/MTE/mte.lua:3119: attempt to index upvalue ‘map’ (a nil value)

stack traceback:

    [C]: ?

    …/!!IPAD GAMES/raiders/Raiders - movement/MTE/mte.lua:3119: in function ‘loadMap’

    …ome/!!IPAD GAMES/raiders/Raiders - movement/main.lua:37: in main chunk

Well, that wasn’t nearly as telling as I would have hoped. If you email your project to me I’ll take a look at it and get to the bottom of the problem. I’ve PM’ed you with my email address in case you don’t have it.

Thank you. That was it. I must remember to simply “export” as json. Thanks

I run into this sometimes and just revert to a previous change and step through the code but never find anything conclusive.  Usually I don’t run into it again.  Was curious if this was ever resolved?

In this particular case the map file had the .json extension but contained XML formatted data, which MTE does not currently read.

It all makes sense.  I’ve been guilty of this from time to time  :lol:.